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Top 6 Reasons Why You Need Website Redesign In 2020


sfwpexperts0.035 years agoSteemit7 min read


With the growing dependability on the internet for fulfilling every small and big needs of humans, designers are being pressurized to create user-friendly and responsive websites for businesses. It is just not that business owners want to get users to purchase their products or services, but they also want to keep them engaged in their website.

The reason?

To build a long-term relationship with their users who are looking to transact with trusted brands.

In this blog, I will be briefly discussing the reasons why you need to redesign your website in 2020.

A modern website is now an integral part of businesses as it helps in making a great first impression on users and getting their business. If you also want to have a cutting edge website for your company and can’t find someone around for assistance, make contact with us and we shall certainly be delighted to help you out. Our Los Angeles web design company, SFWPExperts has a lot of professional services to offer to its clients around the globe such as business website development, website redesign, SEO, PPC, social media marketing and many more.

Now let’s get back to the point and see why website redesign is needed for your business.

Top 6 Reasons Why You Need To Redesign Your Website In 2020

1. If Your Web Design Looks Outdated


Most companies undergo website redesigning processes for different reasons, of those one reason is that their website and its content are outdated. If your web design looks old school, visitors will recognize it right away and then, abandon your page that will result in losing their business. Nowadays, search engines rank websites at top positions in the search results if it is user-friendly, mobile-friendly, and content-rich website. Such websites increase the chances of getting more prospects and their businesses in the near future.

2. If Your Web Design Isn’t Responsive


Back in the days when technology was not evolved so much, it was easy for businesses to maintain a single desktop website. But since the time when mobile phones, tablets, iPads, and other small-screen gadgets have been launched, it has become super important for them to integrate responsive design into their website.

These days most people use mobile phones to order foods, purchase dresses, and to connect with their friends on social media platforms. So, now it is extremely needed for businesses to have a responsive web design that delivers a consistent experience to users throughout all devices. If you don't focus on making your website responsive, it is more likely that you will lose your potential customers.

To leverage the responsive web design services, you can ring our phone and we shall provide you with all the details you require for responsive website development. At our web design company in Los Angeles, you will get a host of professional services, some of them are mobile-friendly web design and development, mobile app development, software development, and other digital marketing services that will bring results to your business.

3. If Your Website Isn’t Achieving Your Marketing Goals

As your company grows, it is essential for your sales and marketing goals to grow as well. In an attempt to achieve these goals, you might feel that is a daunting task for you to keep your website in order. But, remember that it is important for you to find ways to achieve your new targeted goals if you want to succeed in this digital age. You must spend some time reviewing your website quarterly to make sure that it is working towards achieving your targeted goals like attracting more traffic, generating more leads, and converting more customers.
4. If Your Branding Strategies Doesn’t Sink Well With Your Goals

Just like it is crucial to evolve your marketing goals, it is equally important to update your branding strategies. By this, I don’t mean you just have to modify your logos and icons and then it’s done. When you update your website, bear in mind to rebrand as many things as possible.
First, you need to update your content as it plays a vital role in branding. And then, create new branding strategies that can influence your potential customers to purchase your products or services. Also, don’t forget to design your user interface in an effective way so that it could deliver your visitors a great experience.

While you are rebranding your site, it is also important to ensure that your brand’s message is clearly visible and conveys a positive emotion. If you need help in framing effective brand messages to motivate your users for doing business with you, reach out to representatives of our company ASAP. We shall ask our creative copywriters to do the hard work for you and make your website more engaging. Our Los Angeles web design company provides a variety of services in all corners of the world including content writing, content marketing, web design, web development, and search engine optimization.

5. If Your Page Load Time Is High


Having a slow-loading website can be troublesome for your business as it annoys users who come to your site. If you think your website loads slow, it’s high time you should consider redesigning your website or having a new one. If you don’t take action immediately, the number of your website visitors will drop drastically.

Your visitors are barely going to wait to load your website after a few seconds. They will suddenly close your site and visit your competitor’s site. That’s why it is always recommended to make your website faster to drive heavy traffic and convert more visitors. Ideally, your website should not take more than 3 seconds to load, otherwise, it will translate into low traffic and low conversions.

If you are not able to find a reliable web design company in Los Angeles that can make your website load faster, connect with us and we shall provide you a perfect solution ASAP. The designers, developers, SEO analysts, content writers, and digital marketing executives work collaboratively at our company to contribute in the overall development of your business. You can hire us for availing services like custom web design and development, website redesign and maintenance, and social media marketing and promotion.
6. If You Don’t Have A Content-Rich Website


Do you know that having a content-rich website for your users is of utmost importance to your business? It’s because quality content is easy to read and understand for your users and it also makes them curious to know more about your brand. Apart from this, Google also gives preference to a content-rich website in the search results as it distributes valuable information among users. For this reason, it is crucially important for your website to have high-quality and SEO rich content that helps in getting better ranks in Google's search results.


It doesn’t matter how you get your job done, whether by hiring an agency or a freelancer. To create a brand new website for your business or revamp the current one you will need to do a lot of research work and prepare a strategic plan. Don’t forget that time is passing every second and if you won’t keep up with updates in the web design, you are going to have a hard time running your business.

In case you want someone to help you out with brand new website development or website redesign, keep in mind SFWP Experts are available to meet your web design needs. Our Wordpress website design company deals with award-winning web design, web development, email marketing, social media advertising, conversion rate optimization, and so on.
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