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SWAP.BTC, SWAP.ETH, and SWAP.DOGE per 100k SBT Staked


sbtofficial72.30last monthPeakD2 min read

Hello Hivians and SBT community!

Welcome back to another post, by yours truly - @itzninjafool @itzninjafool420 - Both accounts are me (in case anyone was wondering about the mysterious second acct, doubt it) lol.

Today, I would like to kick off this post by announcing some awesome new tokens included in the 'Daily SBT Drips suggested by the SBT community (@eternalpaw).

I now will be dripping SWAP.BTC, SWAP.ETH, and SWAP.DOGE. Below are the current amounts split amongst wallets. What my plan to do is, raise or lower the amount, depending on the SBT wallet balances.
The above photo is the amounts in correlation left to right with amount of daily drip to all wallets who hold and stake 100,000 SBT. Get stackin and quit slackin. That's my new motto. I want to see some of those top holders change! As SBT grows organically, I would like to improve the token system and the discord roles up a bit.

The idea is to pretty much lower the wall to receive the drip. Probably down to current "Rare Tier Role". Which is per 25,000 SBT staked. And that will become the new common tier. And raise the rare tier to 50,000 SBT staked. This way I can improve the reward wheels for the daily giveaway and then possibly lower legendary role and create a mythic role. Before I do, I want some input from the community. I believe in teamwork, and to truly improve this token better for all holders, I could use feedback from anyone. Disagree or agree? What are your thoughts and feelings on this idea.

I would like to have SBT become self-sustainable. @relf87 mentioned to me last night sustainability. Now, this... This is something I often ponder about how to achieve the concept. I have a few ideas. Like bot trading in markets and a percent of that is used as liquid for tokens. Then the bot auto buy with that to keep adding to the drip pool.

I would love to increase the drip amounts with time for all tokens currently dripped - SPF. That's a temp token of little to no, current value.

If you have any other token suggestions that you would want to see dripped to your wallets, drop suggestions in the comments below.


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