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I made Luna a Barbie house for Christmas 馃巹(plus frequency devices update)


samstonehill241.088 months agoPeakD6 min read


I've been so focused recently on all my personal projects it took me some weeks to get to this collection of boxes in the living room and turn it into something which looks more like a Christmas gift for Luna.

She has in fact been patiently playing with these boxes as if they were a finished house, apparently content with its current form.

So i think she is really going to love this upgrade!

Had to do it all at night so she didn't see.

The only bit i need to finish now is this ladder. Will pick some more green bamboo from the forest today.

I tested myself on this one and didn't use the glue gun once. In the past i would have used it 1000 times but on this occasion i am using only string to hold it all together.

The back door here.

Barbie is sporting a golden dress today, made by Luna. Here she is demonstrating how the back door works.

Over on the other side i put a wall climbing plant.

The top floor can also be used as a roof garden.

Made safe for Barbie with protective barriers.

All the doors and windows can be opened easily.

Held open with string.

On the first floor i put a lot of little extras like this light.

It illuminates other little features like these yummy physalis i picked from the garden.

Really love the way this floor looks!

Complete with a Sam Stonehill original painting on the wall ;)

And a heart shaped copper protective barrier on the balcony.

It's safety first for this Barbie.

All in all i feel quite happy about the way it looks though i realise now she could do with some more furniture. Will make her a bed for the ground floor. Am thinking something fancy with a bamboo frame.

Will see if i can get a shot of her playing with it this Christmas and share it with you here.

Final thoughts

This was a unique test for me not only because it was made with string instead of glue, but also because I HATE barbie! Everything she represents is alien to me and she even brings up old wounds, long forgotten till now. Back in my London days i was engaged briefly to a teenage porn star who i hoped to save from the industry and our relationship was stormy at best. She idolised barbie and I did my best to alert her to the potential problems this may bring later in her life, but she didn't care. On the contrary, just like my children today, once she identified this thing i really hated, she used it against me when she was angry and after some barbie related argument she went directly to a tattoo shop and put an enormous pink BARBIE logo at the base of her spine. I was mortified. Totally shocked at how someone could permanently mark their body in this way just to get back at me over some insignificant argument.

Thankfully this led me to not marry her and the lesson feels even clearer 15 years later. We are not here to change anyone and the more we try to do this, the more the other person will push back. So if Luna loves barbies who am i to tell her she is wrong about this? For one thing it has brought out her creative side making dresses and i can feel her blossoming in so many wonderful creative ways at the moment, all of which i must support.

Did anyone else feel the intensity of the winter solstice yesterday?

I think perhaps i did not respect this important cosmic turning point in an appropriate manner because i felt drained and completely void of energy all day and woke at 2am last night with intense tooth pain. I wonder perhaps if this might also be something to do with a distance Reiki session i conducted yesterday for a friend in Romania? Am starting to see now a connection between my astral travels and pain in this physical body and what it usually means is that i did not ground and prepare myself sufficiently for the session.

The pain was horrible when i woke and couldn't find my Acu-Vac in the dark. I do have a THz wand now which has proven to me already that swilling wanded water will reduce pain to nothing in 30mins, but our house is small and the wand is loud! It is sold not as a medical device but as a hair dryer, so can't be used at night.

This left only one other thing I could find in the dark.

My Aplicum amplifier running a toothache sequence of frequencies for 30mins underneath my tourmaline and snow quarz crystal.

Before the sequence was finished my pain was gone, around 25mins after hitting the play button. And despite a very intense half an hour, i went back to bed with a smile, knowing how effective my new toy was.

People often ask me why i don't just figure out a way to remove the problematic tooth and my answer is this: Why change something when it is so evidently helping me investigate the effectiveness of my devices in a way which cannot be mistaken? What i know about my tooth pain is that once it begins it usually takes days to stop, healed in the past with cloves, so now i have three amazing tools at my disposal all of which are effective at reducing pain within 30mins.

Of course, eventually this game won't be fun any more and i will actually do something about it. Even my frequency app (Z-app) reminded me with an alert last night that these frequencies are not a long term solution for tooth problems which if left unaddressed may lead to disease.

Sure. I get it.

For now i'm still having fun with my pain!

I will do a more in-depth review of the THz blower and frequency amplifier in a dedicated post early next year when i have some more results for you around other subjects not connected to my teeth.

Think that's it for now.

Oh wait, i do want to show you my latest orgonite plate which reminds me of a Roman mosaic.

Feel as if these frequency healing tools are reaching quite a professional level now and i look forward to making my designs available on a dedicated website in the Spring.

My family & i are wishing you all a wonderful Christmas period filled with Love & Light 馃檹



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