Experienced Growth and Personal Development Tracker (EGPD-Tracker)
A Chinese adage once said, "be not afraid of growing slowly, be only afraid of standing still".
My version with a bit more punch to it: be not afraid of growing slowly, be only afraid of losing attained progress, and standing still.
This is just my mind going fantastical on the blueprint of an imaginary app, so a lot of thigs might not add up 👇👇
Provided I have the abilities of a programmer with unparalleled skill level, a skill level surpassing what we as human beings can fathom or comprehend, I would create an app that basically tells people the development or growth they have attained by just the little thing and even the big things they do, it doesn't matter what it is, or how you did it. Now not only that, it would also give feedback on the progress that you have lost or failed to achieve by not engaging in an activity, action or failing to be consistent in a particular aspect of life.
Detailed App Description
Now, Basically, this app will show you what you could have achieved, how much you could have grown or developed personally no matter how little by just doing something or not doing something, by being lazy, idle, hardworking, consistent, volunteering in various activities, sleeping, exercising, eating too much or too little, praying, reading, blogging on hive and outside of hive, the effect of the type of food you eat, socializing, learning a skill, cooking, watching movies, yeah I should stop, so all in all, it shows what you have gained or not gained by the little things you do or not so little things you do or not do.
The app parameters will show development and growth based on experience point attained or lost in various aspect of life, as a matter of fact all aspect of life, ranging from physical (appearance, dressing, accessories, gadget used, grooming, skin care), academics (intelligence, problem solving, vocabulary, and so on), social (making new friend, talking with strangers, interaction with family and old friends and so on), financial and skill-wise.
There would also be an added bonus of being willing participant of a growth and development initiative in which task would be assigned in other to gather experience point in a particular area of life. Task would be assigned based on individual level and experience to make sure that assigned tasks are not too overwhelming for individuals but at the same time challenging enough to help them push the borders of their current experience level in a particular area of life. People will begin to have a clearer idea of where they fall short in life and the best course of action to personal development and improvement in a particular area of life and vice versa.
With the above said, the app would usher in a new revolution of humans who are very much aware of how much they improve by the things they do, no matter how little and how much they also regress by not doing. It will be the beginning of a new thing, a new era for humanity.
Just realized I didn't give my imaginary app a name, let's see EGPD-Tracker (Experienced Growth and Personal Development Tracker). You can however suggest a better name in the comment below 👇