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Community Engagement Challenge: Rebellion Reward Card Reviews / コミュニティ・エンゲージメントチャレンジ: リベリオン特典カードのレビュー


sakurakko567.0813 days ago6 min read


Something about the Engage Challenge that started out of nowhere. Why an engagement? An engagement ring is called an engagement ring, right?
I googled it and found that in X, engagement means action on a post?





NIGHT REAPER , flying monster absolute killing man.

NIGHT REAPER 、飛行モンスター絶対殺すマン。

His feature is still his new ability, Wing Break.
It targets monsters with flying as the highest priority, and if the target has flying, the damage is +2.


I happened to have a battle history to review. It was a battle that was not helpful.



My opponent is using NIGHT REAPER, and I didn't include a flying monster, so it was simply a 3 magic attack monster. It is powerful just by being a monster with 3 points of magic attack.
I was able to win this battle because IZIAR was able to withstand it by chance.

対戦相手が NIGHT REAPER を使っているんだけど、私は飛行モンスターを入れてなかったので単純に魔法攻撃3点のモンスターになってた。魔法攻撃3点の>モンスターっていうだけで強力だよね。
このバトルはたまたま IZIAR 耐久で耐えきれたので勝利出来たけど。



The only thing that comes to mind is to use it during the earthquake rule. The opponent often uses a lot of flying monsters.


And his best advantage is that he can attack flying monsters preferentially. In addition, his +2 damage makes him a very powerful 5-point magic attack turret.
It can target powerful flying monsters such as ADELADE BRIGHTWING and ZYRIEL!

ADELADE BRIGHTWING や ZYRIEL なんかの強力な飛行持ちモンスターを狙い撃ちできるね!



Wait a minute! ZYRIEL didn't have flight! Can't he fly because his wings are so tattered?

ちょっと待った! ZYRIEL って飛行持ってなかった!羽がボロボロだから飛べないのか?



The mana cost is high, and there are many excellent monsters that cost 11 such as GRUM FLAMEBLADE, URIEL THE PURIFIER, ULUNDIN OVERSEER, and so on. I wonder if you can dare to choose NIGHT REAPER among them.

マナコストが大きい。11コスト掛かるモンスターは GRUM FLAMEBLADE 、 URIEL THE PURIFIER 、 ULUNDIN OVERSEER などの優秀なモンスターも多い。その中であえて選ぶ事が出来るかどうか。

In addition, the cost of Summoner is a bit high since it is a dragon; a 6-cost Summoner combined with an 11-cost NIGHT REAPER would cost 17.

さらに、ドラゴンなのでサモナーのコストがちょっと大きい。6コストのサモナーと11コストの NIGHT REAPER を組み合わせるだけで17コスト掛かっちゃうからね。






I think it is best used during medium to large cost earthquake rules. It will preferentially take out your opponent's flying monsters and you will survive, since NIGHT MARE itself also has flying, so it won't take any damage itself.

中~大コストの地震ルールの際に使うのが最適だと思う。相手の飛行モンスターを優先的に倒して自分は生き残る。NIGHT MARE 自身も飛行を持っているから自身のダメージも受けないからね。

It is not easy to use for non-earthquake rules or for small to medium cost. 3 points of magic attack power is attractive, but if it is simply magic attack power, other monsters cost less. if you put in 11 cost NIGHT REAPER, you probably end up with 1~2 less than your opponent's composition.

地震以外のルールの場合や小~中コストの場合は使いずらい。魔法攻撃力3点は魅力だけど、単純に魔法攻撃力だけなら他のモンスターのほうがコストが低い。11コストの NIGHT REAPER を入れるとおそらく対戦相手より1~2体少ない編成になってしまうんじゃないかな?

I want to use low cost summoners when I use him, but all the dragon summoners have big cost. I would love to have STHISPA, but I don't have him!

彼を使うときは低コストのサモナーを使いたいけど、ドラゴンのサモナーはみんなコスト大きいんだよね。 STHISPA がほしいけど、持ってないんだよねー



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