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Inkibus, key

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sabihaislam24.413 years agoHive.Blog3 min read

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem All Praises Great Allah Ta'ala Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu How are you all I hope you are very well in the infinite mercy of the great Lord Almighty
 Many of us do not know what is this incubus?


 This is known as sleep paralyzed,
 Many times we fall asleep at night. While sleeping we fall into a deep sleep. Suddenly we feel that our body has become very heavy. It is as if someone is sitting on our chest.
 And just then our body becomes very heavy, our body does not have the ability to move.
 Then we have to go with many of us sitting on our bodies, no one can hear us screaming.
 Then many of us forget it as a dream but it is not really a dream. It is a kind of gene. When this happens to you, you will notice that your body gets tired. When you wake up, you do not like anything.
 There are two types of this gene, male and female.
 You feel very uncomfortable. Sometimes when you hold the body again that day, it drinks blood from your body.
 A lot of times you have nightmares or you have a dream that you are having sex with your loved one, it wants to have sex with both boy and girl, it loses its ability to move when it sits on your body and you lose the ability to speak. You get lost and you can't even make a sound.
 Especially our girls should pay more attention to these things. When we go to sleep, we should take care that our hair is not open. They look at more girls.
 If you use perfume at night and sleep on an empty body, then their eyes are more focused on you and this may cause your death.
 Many times they succeed in having a physical relationship with you.
 But there is no reason for you to be afraid because when they are with you you will never shout. Do not try to move your hands because no one will hear as much as you shout. So when your body becomes light you will move your hands and feet.
 I would suggest you to perform ablution before going to bed and recite Surah Fateha, Surah Ikhlas and Surah Ayat-ul-Kursi. You will fall asleep.
 This is my today's article. I hope you will benefit if you read it. Everyone stays well, stays healthy and will come up with something new.


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