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This Person Does Not Exist


rxge12.124 years agoHive.Blog2 min read


And neither does this person:

Don't believe me? Go to ThisPersonDoesNotExist.com and try it for yourself.

But how?

This video sums it up very well. But in essence, Nvidia has trained a neural network on many millions of images of human faces.
At first the GAN only outputs very low quality images (such as a 28x28 image). But as it learns the nuances of human faces, it's consistently able to create better, higher definition, and more photorealistic humans.

What are the uses of this?

Plently. You can, for instance provide Facebook or other privacy nightmare social media services with a fake face from the website, rather than your own face.
There are negative uses to this too: This particular instance was trained on a variety of different person's faces.

A bad actor could train their own GAN (whose source is publicly available, by the way) on faces of public figures. Deepfakes is something similar to this.

Other projects to look out for

There are a total of five of these GAN experiments:
This person does not exist
This artwork does not exist
This cat does not exist
This horse does not exist
This chemical does not exist

Thanks for reading till the end. Read my other posts at @rxge


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