Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets - Holy Protection

Heyya splinternerds,
Welcome to my blog for an entry Into the splinterlands battle mage Secretes contest. As we do every week there is a new Ruleset for us to write a battle mage post on. Last week, we had a different Ruleset which I think I did a good job of analysing and dissecting it. I was able to tell what type of game plan to use for that type of Ruleset and what not to do to get the best out of that Ruleset.
This week we have a new Ruleset which is
Holy protection - All units gain the divine shield ability which reduces the damage of the first attack received to 0.
What this Ruleset means is that when an enemy monster receives its first attack in battle, that attack is equal to 0. This is because of the divine shield ability. If in case your card has been killed in battle and then resurrected it means that divine shield will come into play one more time.
Blast damage will remove the divine shield because the blast damage won’t attack the card receiving it if it’s the first attack the card is receiving.
Since I am in the Diamond League I have 2 other rulesets to contend with. These are
Earthquake**- Non-flying monsters take 2 melee damage at the end of each round. And
Noxious Fumes - All monsters start the battle poisoned**
With this in mind, I wasn’t that free to go with the normal type of line that I would have loved to go with. With a battle mana of 31, it was pretty hard for me to go in for my high health cards as it meant I wouldn’t have the advantage of sending in many cards for battle.
Anyway, this is how I lined up.
Summoner | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th |
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With the earthquake and noxious fumes Ruleset in play, I decided to go in for the llama mage summoner. A summoner which has the last stand ability grants each of my cards +2 health and a summoner which cleanses all cards of debuffs in the first position.
My first position card was fungus fiend. Am not gonna lie, this card doesn’t have awesome stats. With stats of 1 melee attack, 1 speed and 2 health who will wanna field in such a card? The only good thing about this card is that it has 0 mana which costs you close to nothing to put it in your lineup as long as there is space.
The next card was my unicorn Mustang. This is one card that I don’t normally turn my back on. This is because it has 3 melee attacks, 4 speed and 10 health. For a card with 8 mana, I think it’s really good. It even has the void magic ability, which means it’s only affected by 50% of magic attacks.
Next in line was a range card which in all sincerity was there just for its martyr abilities. Having martyr abilities meant that Kron the Undying would have boosted stats when Fungus Flinger and my last card venari marksrat died.
Let’s rumble.
A rather straightforward approach for my opponent when his xenith monk made the first attack for the round. Faced with the divine shield from the game it was a useless attack on my first position card.

Kron made the next useless attack on xenith monk as it tried to retaliate but made no progress. Well, the next and most successful attack was made by his magi of chaos on my fungus fiend and then exposing it to his other card to kill off.
Fungus fiend with its low mana and health couldn’t even last through round one so it had to be replaced by unicorn Mustang. Well, the unicorn Mustang immediately started taking hits from all corners and finally, its health was affected when the spirit hoarder made a successful magic attack on it.
Well, this made way for his goblin psychic to attack next and made significant damage as it had 3 magic attacks. At this stage, I was running out of patience as my cards weren’t attacked back till Venari Marksrat decided to make a move and then make way for fungus flinger to attack next. All these attacks were low-affecting attacks as they both had 1 range attack.
Round 1 ended after those attacks and then the earthquake and noxious fumes rules came into play. Since my other three cards hadn’t been attacked yet the earthquake Ruleset had no impact on them but the noxious fumes did.

It was the same thing for my opponent as well. I was fortunate cause I was able to see off one of his cards.
Unicorn Mustang made its first attack of the round and was able to vanquish my opponent’s xenith monk rather easily since it had just 2 health left.

Up stepped his magi of chaos card into the first position only to be killed by Kron thr undying with its first attack of the round. Queen mycelia who was fairly quiet in battle also stepped up into the first position and made an attack on Mustang alongside the goblin psychic almost killing Mustang. It was unfortunate as Mustang couldn’t retaliate in time before the round ended meaning the earthquake and noxious fumes Ruleset were coming into play.
This killed Mustang off easily bringing fungus fling into first position to be killed by the noxious fumes. It also killed the Venari marks in battle.
With my two martyr cards dying it meant my Kron's stats were boosted to a 5 and then the last stand ability boosted it to an 8 magic attack. With krons first attack of the round, it killed my opponent's last standing card.

Overall I think the low game mana didn’t allow me to choose my cards freely. Even though I won I didn’t win with much flex lol. It was a great battle though.
This is my battle link
All unsourced images are from splinterlands.com
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
