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Avoid using detergents with harmful chemicals


rosauradels188.622 years ago3 min read

Avoid using detergents with harmful chemicals


Did you know that laundry detergents have endless harmful substances? I'll start by telling you a story about my nephew. Pretend that when my nephew was little, he had horrible welts on his arms and legs and he had to scratch them all the time. He was bleeding and he was a baby, and he practically couldn't speak and explain to us why this was happening to him.

This situation drove my brother and sister-in-law crazy, because they went to dermatologists, they tried a thousand things and it didn't go away until they changed the detergent and simply used, I think, mild soap or neutral soap to wash their clothes and from that moment this hives went away.

Detergents are a cocktail of chemical substances that are unfortunately harmful to our health, obviously they don't tell us this because, as they know, money moves the world and it is very bad that these companies sell us this type of product without really telling us the consequences that these chemicals can have on our health.


Obviously our body has a certain capacity to clean itself, but it has a limit, if we add the pesticides from the food we eat to the detergent, we add the chemicals or harmful substances that are in the air if we live in a city, what we take in the water all these chemicals tend to accumulate in our body and create diseases, so if we can reduce the amount of chemicals that we use in our space and thus improve our health and in the process help the planet, why not do it.

There is a huge list of those chemical substances that these detergents have that we must avoid, such as phosphates, these substrates are very bad for our cardiovascular system and studies have also been done that show that they can cause osteoporosis and not only that they are also very bad for the animals that live in the sea.

The next ingredient is the brighteners, these brighteners do not clean, they make us believe that the clothes are clean because they pretend that it is a substance that varnishes the clothes, so to speak, and makes them reflect light and by reflecting light in that way We do not realize that the clothes are dirty, but it does not mean that because they are shiny they are clean, those polishes are very irritating to the eyes, they are very irritating to the lungs and they also harm all the animals found in the sea.

Fragrances are also harmful because when we buy fragrances, whether they are perfumes or natural flavorings, we do not know that when we read the ingredients and it says fragrance, that is a way of not saying exactly what ingredients we are using, this is something that is causing a lot there is a stir in the US because there is a kind of legal trap there, so to speak, and the companies protect themselves by saying that it is their secret ingredient or that they cannot say what ingredients they have because that is what distinguishes them from the others and that is where they put extremely toxic substances and only label them as a fragrance, these types of fragrances are very toxic and you can't imagine the damage that breathing them causes us.


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