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Wanna Become A Lord For $42...?


rok-sivante2.9 K2 years agoHive.Blog

This was too interesting not to share...

was watching some Paul John Watson on YouTube, and he had the most fascinating sponsor - this arrangement where you can buy a tiny piece of land in Scotland, getting the legal right to call yourself a LORD - or LADY, for the women. No bullshit. Can then even get it put on your driver's license, credit cards, etc.

The cost: currently on sale for $42.

I'm almost tempted myself... though have done my name based on numerology, and adding "lord" to it messed up the formula. Otherwise, I'd probably be keen to have "Lord Sivante" on my legal documents. lol.

So... just passing it on here, in case any badasses wanna hop on it... 😎



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