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In Search of The Missing Bee!


rlathulerie4.2 K2 years ago5 min read

Insect photography has always fascinated me, and although I imagined that it required a lot of patience and of course a good camera I did not imagine how much!!!


Nice day #photographylovers! Once again here to visit, and this time not only to admire the beautiful captures that you leave us daily as I usually do, but today I dare to share with you some pictures that I managed to capture with my Samsung Galaxy M12 cell phone on my morning walk today.

And is that every morning, along with my husband we are going for a walk in front of the beach in an area dedicated exclusively for it, and despite being surrounded by vegetation I had not paid attention, because my eyes went straight to the beach, but in three weeks walking, there are many photos I have of the sea, so today I decided to do an exercise and focus my attention to other areas of the landscape.

And I must say that as soon as I started I came across a tree that of course has been there every day but I was never interested in looking at, and it turns out that it has beautiful purple and white flowers (both grow on the same tree) full of all kinds of insects, and I wonder, how is it possible that I had not seen them before?!




Of course when I noticed the presence of the bees I immediately stopped, because even though I don't have the best equipment to take pictures and I'm not an expert, it was an opportunity I couldn't let pass and the adventure began, because between the strong breeze that moved the branches of the tree and the bees that didn't stop flying in their frantic search for the nectar of the small flowers, the mission looked quite complicated.

I always knew it would be, but this was crazy! The bees were flying so fast from flower to flower that it was quite difficult to get a shot that wasn't moving, but with some patience I was able to take some that although they are not as pretty as I wanted, I liked them a lot.

And after a long time chasing and running away from the bees I decided to try with the zoom of my cell phone because I was really close and I didn't want to be stung by the bees, but of course the zoom of the cell phone is not at all similar to the optical zoom of a camera but I gave it a try! Only now with the zoom, not being used to using it, I missed the bees among so many flowers!





My husband, of course, couldn't stop laughing because according to him I looked like some kind of crazy woman chasing the bees, and in that coming and going around the tree I was able to find a small butterfly that was very relaxed feeding on the flowers, and she did stay in her place, despite my proximity and I was able to take a picture before the movement of the flower where she was, due to the breeze, moved and made her move away from me.

But at least it gave me a shot that I loved and as the bees were a little crazy I decided to move away from them and take some pictures of the flowers, before being stung by one of them, because there were actually many and my proximity made them feel threatened.

So I paid attention to the little flowers, which offered me flowers in all their stages; from small buds, to some in the process of fading, which were just as pretty. That little aged touch made them look beautiful.





And of course when I got home I did a search in Google Lens to find out which tree it was, since I didn't know its name and I was very curious about the duality of its flowers, since they are not only of different colors, but the purple ones are completely different from the white ones.

And when I finished my search I could not stop laughing, because it is a very common tree on the island, in fact there is a huge one on the street that leads to my house and I am so clueless that I had never noticed that tree, much less its flowers.

It is the "Guaiacum Officinale ", known as "Guayacan ", a very common tree distributed all over the island and very used by fishermen, since its wood is excellent for building boats.

So from this photographic adventure, besides some nice pictures, I have learned a lot, and not precisely to recognize a "Guayacan " tree, but to realize that I live life in such a hurry, so immersed in problems that I do not stop to look, really look, at what I have around me, to the point of being surprised by the beauty of some flowers that I had never seen even though they are right at the entrance of my house!

I must learn to walk slowly and live as it should be. To fill myself with all the good that surrounds me instead of the bad.

And well, as it always happens with me, this post that started as a post for #Photographylovers has now easily turned into a reflective post, but my intention when I started writing was for this community, to write about the beauty of the flowers that I have never seen before, even though they are right in my driveway, so the reflection goes as a gift.

Kisses and blessings guys!


Fotografía por:| Photography by:
@rlathulerie, Samsung Galaxy M12

Edición por:| Edtion by:
@rlathulerie on Canva

Traducido con:| Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


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