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richbrownz2.27last year4 min read

Michael and Mirabel have been dating for over seven years, after the duo got engaged, Michael thought of planning to walk his beautiful and adorable fiancee Mirabel, down to the alter. And he kept on with his plans to share marital vows with Mirabel on a planned day. And so the love birds continue with all the preparations towards the day. And they eagerly look forward to 'tying the not' and they both couldn't wait to say
'yes i do'

And it came to pass, after all have been perfected to secure a beautiful beginning, and a blissful matrimony by the duo. On that faithful morning, while standing in front of the stage, Michael the groom, stood well dressed before the congregation, eagerly awaits for the arrival of his beautiful bride, his jewel of inestimable value, to have the session kick start already. As Michael looks intensely desperate. While all the invited guest honouring the occasion take their beautiful sit, all together awaiting for the arrival of the bride. Low and behold there came and emergence bridal glory, radiating beautifully right through the entrance. At that point, the groom and all the invited guest had some relief, because it has been a long day of waiting in anticipation. But finally there comes the bride. Michael quickly adjust his suit, and gets ready for the ride. While Kelly his best man, wipe his face with ceremonial hankacheif. Mirabel the bride is being walk down the aisle of glory by her uncle Mr Jackson Bright, Juliet the chief braidsmaid quickly rose from her sit, ready for the task with a smile on her face. While the marital sermon roles on, the to be couple Michael and Mirabel stood opposite to each other, adjecent to the seated congregation.

After a breif 35minutes of marital charge and admonition, it's time to exchange the vows. And the speaker asked the congregation a very keen question, even according to marriage proceedings and standards. Saying, "if anyone here has just any reason why this two should not be joined together in Holy matrimony, should speak up now, or hearafter forever hold his/her peace". Just at that time, a woman with a child stood up, and advance towards the front stage. It was indeed a horrific moment full of tension everywhere. And somehow the atmosphere became saturated, people started wishpering words and circulating rumors.
Mirabel the bride looks furious and very tensed, her facial expressions defines high level disappointment on Michael, While she steadfastly gazed at him. Michael couldn't comprehend what exactly is happening even as the drama unfolds. At this point, his thoughts became wild, and his soul dispair and wander, because there is possibility of conspired sabotage from unknown foes.

While they all await the unveiling of the shocking and mysterious truth, Mirabel broke into tears and slapped Michael right on his chick. She felt the stinking pains of betrayal of trust. Thus she resolved to losing confidence in him and the entire event. No one can relate how exactly she felt, her liver had obviously failed her, judging from her reactions. While Michael stood still, stunt and perplexed, Still wondering at the entire happenings as they unfold. And he wishpered a word of prayer, hoping for miracle that can salvage his day from ruin and a dastardly shameful experience. And it came to pass, when the speaker asked the woman, "what is the problem? Do you have something to tell us"?
And then the woman smiles and said, " I have a sight problem, so I moved front so I can see clearly." Oh no! Exclaimed Mirabel the bride. And the woman's child muttured in the chaotic cold of the daunting silence, while the entire audience gaze speechless. And the strange woman sat down quitely. Everything seems like a mirage, but reality has come to stay, that all is well. ! Tears goshed out from Michael eyes, and his words are, "at last my hour is spared, thank you Lord"
And Mirabel could not just help it but wept profuesly in utmost despair and regrets. And the congregation at last had some sense of ease, while the air being cleared from uncertainty and chaos. Mirabel resolved to apologetically wipe his tears out of remorse and regrets. But yet, the deed had been done.
(She slapped him)

Never advance to conclusions without verifying facts.
Words spoken and actions executed can never be reversed. But their riple effect last for ages.
Patience is a virtue indeed.


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