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It Takes Two: My thoughts so far!


restcity437.973 years agoPeakD3 min read


Where do I even begin? My brother showed me this game one day and we played the demo together, and it was really fun! We begged our father to buy us the game, and now that we have the full game, we can’t thank him enough!

It Takes Two is about these two parents who practically hate each other and are about to divorce. This upsets their daughter Rose, who wants them to stay together, and even made little dolls of them. When the parents get stuck in the bodies OF those dolls, that’s when things start to get a little wacky. Okay, VERY wacky! They have to find a way to become human again, no matter what it takes or who they have to face!

The Set-up:

In order to play this game, you must have two people, one to play the mom, and the other to play the dad. It’s a split-screen game, which my brother and I loved since we missed games like those that we so rarely find nowadays.

The Story:

 I love the story! Without giving anything away, I will say that the characters are unique and the world makes sense. The story is funny and I always find myself not wanting to leave the game because I just want to get back quickly to see what happens next!

The Graphics:

Now anybody that knows me knows I am big on graphics. My father even jokes around about how much I pay attention to detail in video games. Anywho, I treat game graphics very highly, and let me tell you, It Takes Two does not disappoint. It is a beautiful game that pays very much attention to detail, story and graphics wise.


The Difficulty:

While this game makes itself easy to understand it’s controls, some of the puzzles and bosses throughout can get really tricky! But once I get past those tough bosses, I find myself enjoying the memory and victory of beating them!



I haven’t finished the game just yet, but seriously, this game is awesome! Me and my bro get a kick out of laughing at memories we have on some boards, and love to theorize on what will happen next in the game. It Takes Two is a real gem for anybody to grab a friend and enjoy with!


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