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Introduction to Wim Hof


reinaldoverdu359.853 years agoPeakD4 min read




Hello dear readers

Today I come to discuss with you something very different that I obtained by doing my exploration on the internet, anyway pursuing to give rise to you fascinating things that they render to your lives.

This time I come to talk to you about a man named Win Hof, an athlete around 62 years old who has smashed more than 21 world records.
Shocking right?

This man has fit famous not only for cracking world records but because by teaching people with a breathing method, he enriches their lives in many ways, becoming an example and a role model.

Below a quote explains in more detail who this man is.

Wikipedia quote:

"Hof was born in Sittard, Limburg (Netherlands), together with 8 siblings, (in order of birth; Rob [1954], John [1955], Marianne [1957], Wim and Andre [1959 identical twins], Ruud [1961], Ed [1962], Marcel [1964], Jacqueline [1967]) Hof has six children, four of them with his first wife Marivelle-Maria (also called Olaya) who committed suicide in 1995, a son with his girlfriend in 2003 and another son with his last girlfriend in 2017. When he was 17 years old he felt a sudden urge to jump into the icy cold water of the Beatrixpark canal. Hof has said that his cold and breathing techniques helped him cope with the loss of his first wife."

This man used a difficult situation in his life to his advantage and transformed it into positive energy that now turned all his activities and financial income into a huge turnaround.

And that's why they call him a superhuman, it is very stunning the triumphs that he achieves and beyond that the courage that he induces in other people to fulfill it as well.

I think it is very significant to discover about this kind of thing and take benefit of this free knowledge and we can use it to our goal. Because the advantages it offers are so great, from relieving a series of diseases to enriching our quality of life.

This is evidence of how negative facets can be wielded and converted into something useful in our lives.

Wikipedia quote:

"Wim Hof ​​marketed a training regimen he called "the Wim Hof ​​Method (WHM)" with his son Enahm Hof. The method involves three "pillars": cold therapy, breathing, and meditation.
It has similarities to the Tibetan meditation shift and pranayama, both employing breathing techniques."

Here is a video where he shows us how he motivates a special group with smart and unique techniques:

Advanced techniques training video

It is very outstanding what can be fulfilled by fixing the human mind and body. And this is an illustration of them.

Incoming publications, I will be illustrating my knowledge of this technique, what it contains, and everything I have understood from it.

If you are interested in learning or understanding more about the subject on the official website you can find more information and there is even a minicourse available with three very short videos, where they teach you the basic instructions to learn how to use this revolutionary method.


I think that all people should know about these initiatives and try to test them because they have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.

We must always try to see beyond to improve, not and to develop as human beings.

And tell me, would you be ready to embark on this adventure?

¡See you on my next post!

Note: 50% of this post earnings goes to @ph-fund.



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