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rahimanavy131.4611 months agoHive.Blog3 min read

I am @rahimanavy
from Bangladesh

14th november 2023 AD.

Hive learners Congratulations to all members. how are you all Hope everyone is doing very well by the infinite mercy of the great creator. I am also very well with your prayers and the grace of the great creator. Starting my today's blog with a warm greeting to everyone.



As always, I am here with a new post. Today I will share with you this Weekly Featured Contents STANDING UP FOR OTHERS. Hope you like it very much.

In fact, at every stage in life, you need to stand by people at some point. Sometimes you have to stand up according to your own will and sometimes you have to stand up from your own responsibility. Like many times when a relative is in danger, even if the relationship is not good, I have to stand by, because whatever the relationship is, at the end of the day, he is my relative.

Like this my cousin is quite helpless. Her husband died, she used to have a lot of trouble with her son and daughter. So I tried to help when I could. Sometimes with money, sometimes with food and sometimes with clothes. Now he has educated his son and daughter with the help of all of us.

Now the boys are established and now they are doing well. There are many others around. He used to walk but suddenly. After being diagnosed with cancer, he is no longer the same as before. Since cancer treatment is a very expensive treatment, he is in a very poor financial condition to pay for the treatment with his own savings. Now he needed help, I tried to help as much as I could. Although my help was quite small.There are many other examples where friends go into depression due to various reasons

There are such strangers who had to stand by his side. A girl came here quite some time ago. Her husband was a journalist, died in a bike accident while coming from outside Dhaka. She has a child who is not old enough to have a heart problem operation which requires a lot of money. He came to me to stand by his side even though I don't know him. I was very impressed. Later I asked everyone I know for help for her. With her help, she got money for her child's operation and the operation was done. Her son has recovered.

Not today, I'll be back some other day with another post, until then I hope you all are well.

Thanks everyone


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