
Cyrano de Bergerac


rafamar98.932 years ago3 min read

  Cyrano de Bergerac the famous play by Edmund Rostand French playwright has been represented countless times around the world since its premiere in 1897 would later be adapted to the genre of musical comedy to the big screen and even TV, But what neither the play nor the adaptations to other media make clear is that Cyrano is not a fictional hero product of Rostand's imagination but a real life character, someone who besides being a poet, philosopher and even a swordsman and playwright was something much more interesting, since, like Ullrich of Mainz or Nostradamus, he seemed to be endowed with an unusual future vision that allowed him to become a prophet of the space age. The real Cyrano de Bergerac on whose life Rostand was inspired was born in Paris around 1619 and after a youth devoted to Bohemia and militia, he would unexpectedly change course to occupy himself with intellectual creation. One of his first literary works. The death of Agrippina caused a scandal in his time for its acid criticism of the absolutism of some rulers and the corrupting action of power in those who exercise it, but it is two of his novels / the states and empires of the moon and the states and empires of the sun that earned him his fame as a prophet of the space age / both books are part of the genre that we now know as science fiction something unimaginable in his time 17th century and whose future projection was considered a string of incoherent nonsense. In them, Cyril de Bergerac prophesied such fantastic events as trips to the moon in pressurized, rocket-powered space cabins. He also put forward such advanced and revolutionary theories as the cellular structure of tissues or the concept of antibodies. Likewise, he affirmed that our planetary system was heliocentric, the plurality of worlds and that the destiny of the human race was to leave the earth in ultra-fast ships to explore and colonize other planets, even if it sounds incredible, Cyrano anticipated the invention of the phonograph and two centuries before Edison would make this description.         https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rafamar/242hQ3gfvUBLppfTqhT57VcdmWWEgpmMiUJPNzHgieQUyHEbriZgAdVTpqiebtJtCsFUq.png   Inside that box I found a structure with tiny springs and springs that drove what seemed to be a clockwork machine that could be classified as something like a talking book, since all you need is to have ears, because that device reproduces sounds when someone wants to read, just wind the machine and place a needle in the cylinder containing a chapter you want to hear and immediately as if they came from the mouth of a person or any instrument / emerge the corresponding sounds, Cyrano de Bergerac died in 1655 at the early age of 36 years and victim of a strange accident his prophetic works were found almost by chance in 1838 by a bibliophile named Monmerke and are currently in the national library of France a concrete testimony that far beyond the picturesque character drawn by Rostand in his drama, Cyrano de Bergerac was an unusual herald of the future.     https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rafamar/242hQ3gfvUBLppfTqhT57VcdmWWEgpmMiUJPNzHgieQUyHEbriZgAdVTpqiebtJtCsFUq.png   Narracion y Produccion por: @rafamar Imagenes bajadas y editadas en Canva Traductor Deepl Audio y masterizacion con el programa Audacity Microfono de Solapa Lavalier Audio Grabado con Voice record en mi celular Samsung Compresor del Video HandBrake  

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