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Zuckerberg Reveals the Future of the Metaverse


quixoticflux316.222 years agoPeakD2 min read

Zuckerberg... not the most popular guy in web3.

But Does He Deserve the Hate?

Let's be clear right at the start, yall should understand by now that I OBVIOUSLY support open blockchain protocols and would like to see the new internet built on Hive, Ethereum, Wax/EOS, and other protocols like that.

I do think it is useful to listen to someone like Mark Zuckerberg though. He's a fucking genius, dude. That's just the way it is.

You can appreciate Zuckerberg's cutting edge entrepreneurship for the last 15 years without agreeing with him on everything, and/or without wanting Meta to achieve more success or market share.

Zuck's Take on the Metaverse

Zuckerberg had a two hour conversation mostly unedited with Lex Friedman recently. This is very rare, I don't think I have ever seen such a long convo of unedited content between Zuckerberg and anybody else.

There's a ton of interesting knowledge about the real logistics of building the metaverse in this conversation.

Zucks talks about the 5-10 year path towards a more satisfying metaverse experience -- what are the key technological unlocks along the way?

One example he gives is how humans move our eyebrows -- a millimeter movement in a certain direction can be a way to communicate a ton of information about the emotions a person is experience. How can the metaverse allow that kind of communication to exist?

Another tidbit, apparently the angle of our elbows is a big problem for metaverse immersion on a visual level. This is the kind of thing you don't know unless you are actually building.

Takeaways from the Interview

I go into more detail on my favorite moments from this interview in the video.


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