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queenpresh625.302 years agoHive.Blog3 min read


Exceedingly great being in God's presence as our Bro Eli Soriano thrilled us more about the doctrine of Christ Jesus which he captioned about the work of our heavenly father which he had intrusted in as his children we should come to realize that there are certain works which God has handled over to us that we are expected to take care of most especially in his sanctuary which is the church of the living God.

Let see ISAIAH 28 :8 and 11 to 13 this particular scripture from the Bible illustrated that the house of God has been filled with a lot of immorality iniquity unholy life and abominable things and when the sanctuary of God is filled with evil things who then shall be ready to get the true word of God or preach out to people for genuine repentance or who then shall follow God's doctrine that's us why God wants us to know as his children that they are certain work which he has assigned to us which we must not fail to accomplish.

God does not dwell or derive joy in our evil way in us continually sinning or being unclean and unholy before him we are expected that we must stand before our creator in holiness and faithfulness we must not fail to partake in God's table. Gods table is filled with wisdom, respect love , and understanding to show u how Christ loved us he is ever Ready to love and eat with us in his table now let's talk about the devil's table which is full of corruption, envy iniquity Malice arrogance not being pure and being unrighteous.

We are expected as children of God never to partake in devil's table because we are not part of him let's see the book of LUKE 22:27 this passage of the bible helighted to us that the best we can do in this life is to trust and serve God with all our heart and soul because our God is a merciful God and he is always there to show us love to care and to protect us from all our troubles and anxiety 1 CORINTHIANS 10:21 it is now our choice to choose whom we shall worship and dedicate our service to either to God or to the devil because we cannot be serving God and also be serving the devil neither can we be a follower of Christ and at the same time a follower of the devil we are one brethren in Christ Jesus of one faith and believe we must not deviate from the truth which is Christ Jesus he is our all and all we know.

We must not return back to our formal way of life after we might have received Christ Jesus as our Lord and personal savior going back to an immoral way of life, an arrogant life with a heart full of hatred and malice rather we are expected to embrace Love.

God expects us to keep abiding in all his doctrine in humbleness of mind in humanity and worship only him as our creator and our heavenly father.

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