Newbies Task 8; Outline Of My Journey IntoThe Newbie initiatives.
Never say "you can't" until you try, until you start. I am someone who believes so much in this, that's why most at times, I start some things and complete them while some, I leave them halfway. I believe in the word "Start" even though, I might be having some doubt and fear about starting but one thing I have learnt is to overcome those doubts and fears.
When @nkemakonam89 called my attention to this batch of newbie initiatives, I was feeling reluctant about it, I felt some fear of not keeping up with the programme. She kept on sending me reminders to fill the form and at last, I decided to just give it a shot. I started it afraid, I was afraid for no good reason 😂 I guess sometimes it's like that.
Designed on Canva
Guess where I am in the newbie initiatives today? It's the last week, which is week 8 and I am here to give you an outline of my journey into the newbie initiatives. Let's go! Just keep the questions coming....
From the goals you made in your first task, recount on the progress made so far....
Well, I can't say I have achieved my goals completely but I can boldly say the goal was or is in progress, I could remember one of my goals which I made about attaining a particular number of followers. Yes, at the point I was making this goal;
- I had 28 followers, unfortunately it skipped my mind to take a screenshot of it but I am glad I wrote it down.
- I can boldly say I have 39 followers today 🤭 so tell, isn't that progress? Of course it is.
I know you are asking if this was the only goal I made...Nah! I made other goals too like reaching 200Hp which is also in progress too. Posting 3 times a week which I started but had to bring down to 2 times because of a situation I encountered. Alongside other goals, However, every step was a work in progress ☺️
Screenshot of my goals in week 1
What was your experience like during the 8 weeks of the Newbies Initiative? What did you get to learn from the initiative....
Now I lack the exact word to use in order to explain what my experience was like but all I could say right now is that. It was an amazing experience. Woooooo! The experience is something I would die to experience again. lol! I learnt a lot.
- I learnt how to use markdowns in your post and of course this makes you post looks neat.
- I learnt about Hive keys and their functions. I also learnt how to know who your trustee account is and how to change it.
- I learnt about Hive tribe and tokens.
So many other things that time won't permit me to mention. It was an amazing experience.
If you were to contribute one thing to make the newbies initiative perform better, what do you think you can do?...
Oh well, I am good at Canva but hey... this is a secret. So well, I will be glad to contribute to the newbie initiatives by teaching how you can navigate and make designs on Canva without having a single headache. Lol! Well, I can do Canva
Alright, that's it... Happy you read to the end, hope you enjoyed reading through.
