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We are capable of being great.

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queenart2.3 K2 months agoHive.Blog2 min read

The other day I was wondering, how a person can be called as great? There are many qualities of greatness which differentiate a normal person from great person. Noone is born great and we have to learn different things and absorb qualities to be great. I found a Sanskrit Shloka with similar meaning :

ज्येष्ठत्वं जन्मना नैव गुणैर्ज्येष्ठत्वमुच्यते.
गुणात् गुरुत्वमायाति दुग्धं दधि घृतं कृमात्.

Jyeshthatwam janmnaa naiva gunarjyeshthatwamuchyate.
Gunaat gurutwamaayaati dugdham dadhi ghrutam krumaat.

The meaning of each of the words are ;

Jyeshtatwam = greatness, seniority, prominence.
Janmnaa = from birth.
Naiva = not
Gunaih + jyeshthatwam + uchyate = gunairjyeshthatwamuchyate.
Gunaih = merit, virtues, qualities. Jyeshatwa = prominence, seniority. Uchyate = regarded as.
Gunaat = qualities.
Gurutwamaayati = Gurutwam + aayaati. Gurutwam = grandeur, greatness.
Aayati = attains, becomes.
Dugdha = milk.
Dadhi = curd.
Ghruta = butter oil, (ghee in Hindi).
This line highlights that "One does not possess greatness and prominence by birth. There is also difference in the level of qualities and virtues one possesses, and these are acquired gradually e.g. milk turns into curd and then ultimately becomes Ghee (butter oil, the most valued milk product)."
In other words, we are born as a common person with no special qualities. However during the course of life, we gain many knowledge, which helps us to be better and becomes great. If we look around, we may find many great people. These people have qualities of pracrice forgiveness, they are good listeners, Try to understand how others are feeling and identify with those feelings. They control anger, and many other such qualities which simply stand them out of the crowds.

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Learning is Passion!!

Thanks for Stopping @queenart.


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