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quan45161.678 months ago4 min read

This is one of my heartwarming memories, one I will never forget in a hurry.

   It's been years though, since it happened. But the memories are still as fresh and crystal clear as always. The scenario all happened on a market day.

On a Saturday morning, Mom wanted to go to the market, the Itam market. Itam market was, and is still the biggest market in our town. I have never been there before that is why I had beckon on Mom to let me join her.

Although she refused I kept on pleading and I promised to stick with her where ever she goes. After much pleading, Mom finally agreed and we entered the car and zoomed off.

 On our arrival, Mom locked my fingers in her's, as we went inside the market. I was just 12years old and naive as well, but mom never left me alone for a blink. Not until she met with her old time friend who also as a space to sit and sell at the market, as they started recollecting their old time memories. They both gisted for while until Mom decided to leave begging her they will always meet again to complete the remaining chat.

After we left from there Mom, had left my hand to carry the market bag and other stuffs she bought but that didn't stop her from keeping an eye on me. There were a lot of crowd at the market and Mom was just begging me to stick by her side of which I did until someone from behind mistakenly step on the back of my flip flop which made go off my foot. As I turned back to wear it back on looking forward Mom was gone, she was actually no where to be seen. At first I didn't want to panic so I thought of the dress she wore and I finally spot it. I ran down chasing the lady on the dress hoping it was Mom but unfortunately when I got to the lady, it wasn't my Mom.
I stopped and started crying, I wondered I Mom had observed I wasn't by her side any longer. God knows I didn't know where to go wasn't with a phone or anything to reach out to Mom. All that was in my mind was how doomed I was. I didn't even know my way out, how will I get out. Have lost Mom for good as I said all these thoughts in my head I cried profusely. Then after awhile I started going back to the space where Mom met with her friend. I told the woman I couldn't find Mom that I lost her just a while ago. She asked for Mom's number of which I gave her and she called but no answer because Mom had left her phone in the car.
I kept on crying bowing my head down in shame and disappointment not until I heard a voice calling out to me which sounded just like mom, and when I raised my head indeed it was her. I jumped with so much happiness to embrace her before she could utter a word I cried out loud and said to her "Mom I thought I had lost you"
Mom also hugged me so tight and I noticed she was crying as well it was one emotional moment for mom and daughter.
Mom told me she noticed that I was following her when she stopped to get me my favorite sweet. She got so worried and started going backwards. It was a coincidence that she thought of coming back to her friend's stand with hope she'll find me there and luckily she did.

I'm so happy I was able to find Mom that day otherwise I don't know what would have become of me today. But that's far back from today. I'm all grown up now I can go to the Itam market on my own and go back with no issues and that is just how beautiful time flies.
This memory will never be forgotten I intend telling my children about it I don't mind how naive they will think their Mom was.

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