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The Ending To A Plague Tale: Requiem Left Me In Tears


pusen3.8 K3 months agoPeakD4 min read

Roughly a week ago I posted about starting A Plague Tale: Requiem. I kept on playing the game throughout the week and by the end I was completely sucked into it. The game just kept on getting better and better towards the end and the immersive story massively overshadowed all the shortcomings I mentioned in that last post. The ending hit me on such a personal level that it left me completely broken for a few minutes after the credits rolled.


General experience

My general experience with the game can be summed up as good. It had a few shortcomings early on that got ironed out as the game went on. Mainly tied to washed out graphics that felt a bit to soft around the edges. I noticed as the game went on that this varied a lot from scene to scene and how the lighting was set up. The dark and gloomy city scenes often felt better than the light and vivid city scenes. The light and vivid countryside scenes felt better than the dark and gloomy countryside scenes.

I also had a few gripes with a lot of the gameplay sequences mostly because I don't really enjoy stealth games that much. Stealth always feel so slow and drawn out to me which makes me struggle to enjoy it. Sitting behind a box and waiting for enemies to path by or sitting there for even longer to memorize their pathing is just excruciating to me. This is mainly an issue early on seeing as you can choose to just kill your way out of everything once your toolbox grows.

There's also skills that level up based on your playstyle which I really like. Since I mostly went aggressive and killed my way out of pretty much every situation I was able to grow my aggressive based skills. This made my weapons more effective and gave me less downtime between each use. A really good design decision on their part. If I was forced to stealth all the way through the game I'm not quite sure if I would have made it past the halfway point.


A story to remember

The story in this game is just fantastic. It starts off just a little bit to slow and uninteresting during the first two or three chapters for me but after that it picks up quite a lot. I'm very happy I decided to play this game when I had a full week off work so I could finish it over a few days. It's not the kind of story that deserves to be experienced in smaller broken up segments. This is a binger for sure.

As per usual with my posts I won't spoil anything of the story outside of the pictures I'm adding to the post. It ties in directly with the first game and picks up pretty much where it left off. We get a reunion with a lot of the same characters from the last game while also meeting a few new ones. There's also quite an interesting epilogue scene worth sticking around for after the credits roll. Makes you wonder if there'll be more games made in this universe even if the story of these characters is clearly finished....


Still some things to do...

Even though I tried to be quite thorough when playing through this I wasn't able to 100% the game on my first run. I'm not quite sure if you can as it seems unlikely to be able to max out all the skills in just one run. I also missed a few collectibles that I could easily go and pick up through the chapter selection if I wanted to.

As for now I'm not quite decided if I want to do another run of the game to pick up the missing pieces. It's of course very satisfying to get that platinum trophy but it's also very tempting to move on to another game. I can of course choose to do it after playing another game for a bit. I've been wanting to give Ghost of Tsushima another chance lately so I might just do that.


All images in this post are screenshots taken by me.

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