Paternity leave; Antidote for Father-Child Relationship
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It is often said that when a woman is pregnant, the man is pregnant as well, and when she delivers, the man also delivers. So to that effect, I would say that paternity leave is also essential for every father because it creates a strong and easy bond with the newborn. It's always a joyous moment becoming a father, it's a life-shift experience. Having a newborn is a phase in life that the woman needs more help and attention, but most time it is not considered.
Fathers who take paternity leave are crucial in supporting their wives (mother) well-being, because they reduce stress and chances of postpartum depression, they help new mothers in recovering from childbirth and adjusting to a whole new routine.
I also discovered that when fathers engage in caregiving, spending quality time, and always present during their kid’s early stage, it builds and strengthens the father-child relationship, and the bond formed during this time builds a long-lasting and positive effect. When the father assists in caring for their baby, it increases the mother’s well-being, giving the mother time to rest, sleep and be herself for periods of time. It also helps in the emotional and physical recovery of the woman.
As much as money is important in running the home, there are certain things that it cannot buy.
Family is one important thing that cannot be replaced, so in essence,taking time to bond with your newborn is of great gain, and if it is misused, it becomes a bit difficult to blend with in an advanced age.
Paternity leaves is one thing that helps the new father in adjusting to the new environment, It also helps them manage stress and anxiety related to caring for a child, staying awake with the baby, knowing what to do when the child cries etc, because the more they participate in their child's care, the more it helps them feel confident about their parenting abilities. The mother is relieved of some responsibilities when the father is involved in caring for the child.
It's important to note that when both parents are actively involved in childcare, it fosters a more equal and supportive partnership between parents, resulting in children receiving more care and support, leading to better educational excellence and reduced social challenges. Apart from bonding which is an important factor, having the father at home helps in sharing responsibilities, easing the burden and providing emotional support to the mother who would have been overwhelmed by childbirth and other extra responsibilities that come with it.
Paternity leave is essential for easy bonding as stated earlier, the time spent with your child is a critical factor that forges a stronger bond, because the more time he invests, the stronger lifelong connection he has with his child. Though the time spent will not be naturally unequal between the father and the mother, but in all, the aim should be making the most of the time they have with their little ones.
As much as maternal leave is important for the mother's recovery, the same is paternity leave important for easy bonding of the newborn with the father.
Thank you for reading
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