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Lawmaker Calls Previous Positions, Now Espoused By Opponent, 'Fascist'


poterritory40.74last yearPeakD3 min read

Like Trump and 'the swamp' he vowed to drain, and then proved himself an avatar of the establishment.

Jerusalem, July 13 - An Opposition legislator today pronounced his own talking points from a mere few years ago reminiscent of Hitler and Mussolini, now that members of the governing coalition have adopted those talking points.

Yesh Atid Party MK Tzavua LeGamrei characterized the Netanyahu-led coalition's efforts to revamp Israel's judiciary - a goal that LeGamrei himself touted as recently as 2017 - as fascist, antidemocratic, and part of a demonic effort on the part of Likud and its right-wing allies to impose a dictatorship on the country.

Once-broad agreement across Israel's center and right featured in political rhetoric beginning two decades ago, following what those partisans called the "judicial revolution" of High Court President Aharon Barak, who spearheaded a vast expansion of the court's purview and authority, not anchored in the legislation that established the court and defined its role decades before. Until the current effort, under the stewardship of Religious Zionism MK Simcha Rothman, reversal or mitigation of Barak's revolution remained in the realm of the rhetorical and aspirational - even as legally-beset Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's supporters railed against the judicial and prosecutorial arrogation of power that they blame in part for the "persecution" of their leader - a claim bolstered again last week when the judges themselves criticized the prosecution for assembling flimsy case after flimsy case against Bibi.

"Unless the government withdraws its judicial revolution proposals, we are well on the way to fascism," declared LeGamrei, who in 2017 urged his colleagues to formulate and pass laws to constrain judicial overreach. "The corrupt Bibi and his minions will trample democracy and impose a far-right theocracy," stated the man who in 2016 decried the ideologically-homogeneous old boys' network that determines the lifetime appointees to the Supreme Court.

Experts noted that LeGamrei's metamorphosis is hardly unique in Israeli politics, or in any other country's politics. "Politicians say things they need to get elected," explained analyst Avius Wellda. "Take Netanyahu himself- he rails against the agenda of the Left and touts himself as the strong leader Israel needs, promising big change in security and the rule of law, but works as hard as he can to preserve the status quo on both of those fronts. He needs those bogeymen, which he mysteriously never tackles once back in office."

"It's like Trump and 'the swamp' he vowed to drain, and then proved himself an avatar of the establishment," Wellda continued. "The main problem is, voters are stupid, and they keep falling for this crap."

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