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Dolphin Level Achieved!


phoenixwren2.7 K3 years agoPeakD3 min read


This actually happened several days ago but my brain has been firmly in the Eerie Horror Movie Levels Of Fog realm for most of the past week and I couldn't think my way out of a paper bag most of the time. It still is, so please excuse me if this post is kinda befuddled.

The number changed before the image changed on Hive Buzz, so for a little bit I was like HEYYYYYY! ;)

But I am happily doing dolphin leaps now, so yay!! :) Thank you to everyone who supported me and helped me get here.

Other than that, not much going on this week. In addition to me feeling not great, the air pollution has been really bad (in the 160s on the air quality scale), so I was grateful to have enough money to be able to have cat food delivered, which just arrived a little while ago. I was going to walk to Petco and Sprouts (I also need ginger ale, which is a tummy staple around here), but once the numbers are in the mid-100s I start having trouble. I mean, I have a mask now so maybe it would be tolerable, but in the past I have had coughing fits so bad I nearly passed out on the sidewalk. So HOORAY also for nice delivery people and having enough funds to be able to order that.

Maggie exemplifies my status this week:

Yes, she sleeps in that position a lot. <3 I call it the semi-beach cat pose; "beach cat," in Jackson Galaxy terms, is when down-low cats are comfortable and confident and they camp out in the middle of the high traffic footpath/doorway or in the middle of the room (when they are unconfident they are "bush dwellers," hiding behind and under things. Up-high cats are "tree dwellers"). Maggie beach cats a lot nowadays, but when she does this I think it's because Yuan keeps trying to sniff her butt or tail lately, which freaks her out when she catches him - so she's covering her head in the nook there like a Yuan helmet but otherwise comfortable enough to stick her butt out. X3

Their relationship is complicated. They don't really "fight" anymore, but they at best tolerate each other. Sometimes Maggie is chilling and Yuan quietly approaches from behind or the side and peacefully just tries to smell her and she is fine as long as she doesn't notice; but if she does she goes "GAH!" and runs off. Usually he just watches her go and it's no issue. Other times Yuan is the one doing the beach cat in the doorway and she wants to go by, and after contemplating it for a while, she makes a go for it. Which then often makes him go "HEY I can't have you showing no fear of me I am the big cheese, the terrifying warrior, the bully cat top dog" and he bats at her. Generally without claws, just like, "HEY HEY HEY I'M SLEEPING HERE," but then she goes "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH" and hisses and runs.

So yeah, that little nook is her Yuan helmet, I think. 💙
I did get out two @faeriestories this week, Fetch and Reading In Bed. So if you're interested in cute little stop motion videos, please check those out! :)

Other than that, not much going on. Just my brain leaking out of my ears, as it does. I hope everyone has been having a good week and staying safe in our crazy world. Be well, friends!



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