
Limpieza Para Las Plantas De Plátano


petrarodriguez1.7 K4 months agoHive.Blog2 min read

Buenas tardes apreciados amigos hoy comparto con ustedes parte de lo que fue la limpieza de mis matas de plátano ya que tenían muchas hojas secas y hierba en el pie dónde abundaban mu has hormigas picadoras. Un día antes el esposo de mi sobrina me dijo que me iba a limpiar eso y yo le dije que estaba bien , él sólo pidió una cosa que yo se lo compre.

Bueno el sábado empezó cortando los Montes y hojas y acomodando en un lado para luego ir a botar a un sitio lejano,yo fui a comprar las bolsas para basura y ayer Domingo decidió recoger toda la basura y colocarla en 4 bolsas,luego fue botandolas lejos por un cerro y puedo ver cómo quedaron mis matas muy limpias.



Agradecida de su visita y apoyo,las fotos de mi propiedad tomadas con mi celular infinix6823.


Good afternoon, dear friends, today I share with you part of what it was like to clean my banana plants since they had many dry leaves and grass at the bottom where many biting ants were abundant. A day before, my niece's husband told me that he was going to clean that for me and I told him that it was fine, he only asked for one thing that I buy it for him.

Well, Saturday began by cutting the mountains and leaves and arranging them on one side and then going to throw them away somewhere far away. I went to buy garbage bags and yesterday, Sunday, they decided to collect all the garbage and place them in 4 bags. Then they were throwing them away. over a hill and I can see how my bushes were very clean.



Grateful for your visit and support, the photos of my property taken with my infinix6823 cell phone.


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