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LEO&HODL Contest: Top 5 Leo Products(Looking at how important Leo products as being in the community)


peniel2010371.17last year8 min read

Leofinance growth is not just a day work, but it as gotten to this level due to the level of initiative established so far by the team, give it to the community stakeholders as I do say for a job well done. Base on stats the team as indeed done a lot of good to the community raging from massive initiative introduce during the year to ensure that activities here becomes sustainable it's user's.


I might not have being a partaken of most of those initiative, but base on research and reading of other contents I will definitely do justice to the little I know, all thanks to #LEO&HODL Contest for putting this together because this will def help a lot of individuals to dig more and make adequate research about some certain initiative missed in the community.

It's significant that users get to know that there are lots of initiative here on Leofinance, there are even some I have no ideas how it works and there are some that my understanding about them are little, but it's undoubtedly a good way forward to touch and say something about them.

What are your top LEO products?

Classify all this initiative accordingly is essential and that is what I will be doing according to how I get to meet them as at when I joined the community.


This is absolutely my number One initiative here on Leofinance community, cause this was definitely one initiative I got to meet as at when I joined and honestly, it as indeed proven to be the best, I honestly know that other initiative comes with advantage of staking to earn more, but leothreads on it own as indeed reshaped the structure of the community, when it comes to engagement and also the opinion of it community members, Leothreads as indeed taken Leofinance community to another level as it is giving way's to comparison with Twitter and also giving it user's a second thought when it comes to that.

One easiest way at which engagement is done easily recently is absolutely via #leothreads and that as helped the level of communication and promotion of the community.

Leo Power up day (Lpud)

Here comes my second best Leofinance initiative, give it to the team for coming up with this too. The Leo power up day as indeed helped lot ragging from it level of development when I come to helping the community users to grow well when not comes to staking of Leo token.

With the Leo power up initiative , everyone becomes a winner, because it isn't just all about the prize attached to it alone, but it helps to increase the staking ability of the community user's, just as I do say with the Leo power up day held every 15th of the month, everyone is a winner irrespective of the prize attached to it.


Giving leobridge as my third-best Leo initiative is definitely well understandable, especially from the fact that little I do know about it, but base on stats and research, it is definitely one of the best initiative that as indeed helped the community user's, especially users who hold Leo to convert to another bep20 token, such as wleo and bleo too. Leobridge base on my understanding as indeed makes converting Leo to other bep20 token easier and this as indeed help the flow of the token to another.


You can't just push this away and to me, I think on a contrary it should have gotten more stand than being the fourth position, but of all it is absolutely an excellent one too, leodex on it own as being a very successful initiative, especially with it functions since the Introduction of Leo token as the primary token of the Leofinance community, here on Leofinance the best exchange place to buy Leo or sell and even convert to hive is definitely on leodex.

Leo magazine

You might have really wanted to see this in a better position, but honestly having it as that last here too is a result of the limited awareness about it, even until now, few users really have the knowledge of this initiative, a bit of all it is certainly one of the initiative that as indeed helped the progress of the community.

Recently, the LEO&HODL contest raised an awareness about it, giving room to user's to understand that the Leo magazine exist and as being adding value to the community.

@houseofdavid, @lordemmy, and @kolawole93 let go again

Leo magazine is absolutely another massive step forward and it as indeed added to the value of the community when it comes to advertising and promoting the community activities inside and outside the Leofinance community .

There are definitely more initiative like leopedia, leogossalary and more, but little do I know about them and that is why they aren't making my list too, but on a contrary, those picked too as indeed added to the value of the community and as successfully compliment each other in making sure that Leofinance keep on growing

Why do you put the products in these positions?

Each of the products being listed by me are undoubtedly one of the best here on Leofinance, I might have missed out from other ones, but these are definitely the ones have gotten to explore and see how well they have changed the face of the community.

I must be honest that each of this initiative as indeed work hands in hand making sure that the user's get to understand the importance of staking Leo and engagement too, promoting the community too is absolutely one thing all the listed initiative as done well to the community. It's of no doubt that #Leothreads, #Leo #power #up, #leobridge, #leodex and #Leo #magazine are definitely more influential to the growth of the community and its user's

What are the benefits of these products in terms of finance, social, and reputation?

Each of the initiative above as indeed helped and contributed to the development of the community and its user's, from Leo power up improving the level at which its user's stake to leothreads bringing in a massive growth when it comes to engagement, I must be honest that all this initiative as indeed helped promote the community more inside and outside the chain too.

Leofinance is now trending worldwide as a result of all this initiative, this is also bringing in more users every day, Leo initiative as indeed increase the reputation of Leofinance among other communities and that is why it being regarded as the best in the ecosystem.

What products are likely to bring more people and income?

Almost all the products are definitely doing that right now, but of all, I will be giving it to #Leothreads.

#Leothreads is certainly a fast rising initiative that as changed the face of the community recently, engagement becomes easier as a result of this initiative, leothreads as successfully promote Leofinance both inside and outside the community and that is why its user's today keep more than on leothreads recently.

Compare Leo List with similar services

Not really used to other services yet as my engagement here on hive ecosystem as being mainly on Leofinance, but honestly I'm yet to see an initiative like this from other community or heard about it from other community, Leofinance initiative as indeed promoted the community, but others community own as not advertise them to the world.

 >Discuss the reason rank them accordingly.

Every of this initiative as indeed done well, and honestly, they have indeed contributed lot to the community, take it or leave it all this initiative as indeed contributed to the growth of the community and its user's today.

Talk about the ones you would never put in the top 5.

Almost all the community initiative are doing well, in fact i maintain that they have all indeed add one advantage or the other to the growth of the community, but I wasn't able to explore all, so that why I didn't rank some, but recently, I won't be rating leopedia

#Leopedia is definitely one of the initiative am still yet to understand just am still looking at leogossalary too and for now won't be ranking this at all not until have fully understood and explore them to see how important they are to the community.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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