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New here. Hello.


pandatome6.543 years ago2 min read

Whale hello there. After listening to @cryptosneeze go on about this for over a year, I thought I better come dip a paw in to test out the crypto waters.

I've always been interested in finance, but I have to admit the crypto boom has me a bit on the back foot. I'm not exactly a techno queen. So trying to understand all the changes, terminology and apps etc. made me want to pretend it was all just a passing phase and wouldn't come to anything. However, I can see that the view I'd taken is definitely wrong and I need to change my ways if I'm to move with the times.

As you can probably tell, I love animals and have a terrible sense of humour. Crappy puns, dad jokes and one liners are just a few of the things that appeal to my sense of humour. I'm a simple gal and enjoy the little things in life. Baking, nature, gin, netflix all have a special place in my heart.

I work in healthcare so the past few years have been rough, but I just try and keep myself and my friends going. Being outside plays a huge part in that and I love paddleboarding. Last year I got an inflatable one and I've tried to go out on it as often as I got the chance.


I'm an environmental activist so spend time trying to convince others not to just let the world burn. Whether that's collecting rubbish from the rivers whikst I'm out for a paddle, beconing a regular at my zero waste store or trying to stop @cryptosneeze's obsession with Starbucks (spoiler alert - it's not happening!), I'm just trying to leave this place for the better one step at a time.

Leave nothing behind except pawprints.


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