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xDai chain available on TokenPocket


otemzi99.743 years agoHive.Blog2 min read


Hi guys and welcome to another beautiful Sunday morning, the weather is looking great as usual and the market a little stable.

While the crypto Market continues to feel somewhat stable with zero to no price action, experts are saying a difference is coming in few days/week.

Speaking of weeks, it seems Ethereum issue with regards to high gas fee and slow confirmation still continues and this is where xDai comes in.

With the concept of creating a chain that is similar or duplicate feature to Ethereum, a lot of persons have been on their design board for weeks if not month pondering on what they could do differently to avoid this huged incurred gas fee when relating to the ETH mainnet and I must xDai stands tall amongst many.

What is xDai?

The xDai chain is a stable payment blockchain that is designed for fast and inexpensive transactions. STAKE is secured by proof-of-stake consensus.

Built using the Ethereum technology it allows users/holders of Ethereum to easily use their existing wallet to operate it, meaning if you had Ethereum wallet prior to now, you can easily use this for xDai based transaction but one have to be the owner of their mnemonic phrase word for this to apply, meaning you should never use an exchange wallet but rather decentralized and this is where TokenPocket comes in.

TokenPocket is a multichain wallet that allows users to easily manage their crypto assets across multiple chains and also a DApp browser that gives you access to web3 applications directly from your mobile device.

TokenPocket is available on IOS and Android, individuals can download their preferred app from either app store or play store.

Upon installation complete, simply launch your TokenPocket app and locate account creation

If you have Ethereum wallet already configured on TokenPocket, you can make use of the one step sync function available on TokenPocket to easily import all accounts to xDai without the need to input mnemonic phrase or private key.

If all was done rightfully, you should have access to your xDai chain wallet within seconds and to that I say kudos and welcome.

If you have any issues regarding the above, kindly leave a comment behind and I will get to it ASAP.


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