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TokenPocket supports Newdex NDX swap to DEX


otemzi99.703 years agoHive.Blog2 min read

Hi guys and welcome to another beautiful day, so, some weeks back we saw Newdex published an info about swapping their based token NDX for DEX and also reducing the total supply in a ratio of 100:1 meaning for every 100 NDX you hold, you get a 1 DEX after swapping this was brought about by various functions and one was probably the stable price of NDX not achieving new height.

Porting to DEX also comes with other features which includes but not limited to a multi-chain integration, meaning Newdex won't be limited to the EOS ecosystem but also widening its support to other chains like BSC, ETH, and many others.

While this is ongoing, users or rather holders of NDX token need to swap their NDX token to DEX for continuous enjoyment of all previous inceptive attached to NDX which includes but not limited to VIP, lower trading fees, and many others.

Swapping is free and easy and this can be carried out directly on Newdex homepage, to access this page, users need to log into their newdex account via any eos supported wallet and TokenPocket fits right into this.

TokenPocket is a noncustodial wallet that allows users to easily manage their crypto assets and also a DApp browser to access Newdex and many others.

Download TokenPocket app if you don't have it prior to now, import your EOS account holding your NDX token, on the asset page, click on discover to bring up the DApps menu

Search for Newdex if it doesn't reflect automatically from the menu

Log in via your EOS account and locate the swap option

Click on it and follow the pop-up instructions, click the amount of NDX you hold and the corresponding DEX token will be shown to you

Click on confirm and give it few seconds to process the transaction, the corresponding amount in DEX will be sent to your wallet automatically without performing any further task

If successful, you can decide to trade your new DEX token via Newdex or hold all depends on you.

That ends all for today's writeup, if you have any challenge while performing the above, do leave a comment behind.


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