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Steps to stake and mine maco via TokenPocket


otemzi99.753 years agoHive.Blog3 min read

Hi guys and welcome to another beautiful day, so the past couple of days we have discussed on steps to check and claim maco airdrop if you have interacted with Opensea prior to Dec 2020 and also steps to sell Maco via quickswap.

Today's article will be focused on how to stake maco in other to mine more.

Everyone's dream is a way to make passive income without actually putting in more effort, more like have money work for us and also get good returns from this.

Staking is not a new term and over time many have made good and substantial profit from this but majority with little to no initial income are left to wait days or even months before getting any profit from their deposited capital most likely due to low APR

APR in short means the average percentage in returns one would get over a particular period of time when they choose to stake their asset or invest in any online or offline platform.

Many offer good apr and others not so much, maco is part of this little percentage that offers a good percentage and even as little as 10 to 11 maco you are sure to get 1 or more maco within a month time, you might consider this small but if compared with a huge amount of maco this is definitely worth the long term holding.

This is probably made available due to the lock period users have to wait in other to claim any and all staked profits.

Well that is enough for summary, let's quickly get into steps on how to stake your maco and enjoy the sweet rewards that comes after.

To do this, you need a web3 wallet that support dapp interaction and TokenPocket becomes needed for this.

If you don't have TokenPocket prior to now, you can easily download via app store or playstore depending on your device preference.

Create or import an account via the pop up menu and follow onscreen instructions to setup your account

If you already hold certain amount of maco then you can move to the next step but if not pls check our previous article on steps to buy maco

Click on the discover menu and click on search menu


Copy the above and search on it via the discover menu.

Scroll down to stake option and approve the transaction

Unlike other staking platform that requires you to pay certain amount of fee in other to process transactions, staking on maco is actually free and no fee is required shocking right?

Well if you followed every steps then your asset should be staked and already generating rewards.

Unstake date is shown to you, and with that I say good luck and as usual stay safe.


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