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Recap of PlatON 2024 Hong Kong Web3 Payment Re-imagine.


otemzi96.793 months agoHive.Blog2 min read

On March 27 2024, the official X account of PlatON Network (previously called Twitter) published a tweet titled Upcoming Events: Important Sub-Forums of 2024 Hong Kong Web3Festival. Over the past couple of weeks, they gradually and steadily uploaded series of tweet showcasing the various speakers that will be heading this event and truly it was packed with highly and esteemed individuals within the Web3 and web2 space and I must say the event was truly one not to be missed.

On March 7th as mentioned from their previous tweets, the date was upon us and it was introduced by showcasing the Agenda forum which would kickoff with the co-founder of Astra Tech and moved down to Panel discussions and closing remark, the Agenda list can be seen below


For individuals like myself and others who were not opportuned to be on site during this mind blowing and educative section, several tweets were published to keep individuals informed on how the events were unfolding in real time and an example of this was a speech made from Adam Farhat, the Director of Partnerships at AlchemyPay in the APAC region,

It states,

Adam delivered a thought-provoking talk on "Bridging the Fiat and Crypto Global Economies" at the Web3 Festival. In his presentation, Farhat provided a comprehensive overview of the global crypto landscape:

Central& Southern Asia lead in grassroots crypto adoption.

40% of world's population lives in LMI countries, indicating crypto's growth potential.

Increased interest in alternative payment methods and e-wallets post covid.

The discussion went further and it can be found via this tweet

Several others came up and made their various presentations from their various fields and each was packed with great elightment, these can all be found within PlatON official X account page here https://x.com/PlatON_Network?t=zr2L_kySLkgTmA3eThfjcA&s=09

The event went further till the closing remark and I for one can't wait to see when the next gathering will be brought up,

If you have a question or two then kindly leave a comment behind and don't forget to follow PlatON Network to stay informed on every updates.


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