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Paraswap on TokenPocket


otemzi99.653 years agoHive.Blog2 min read


Hi guys and welcome to another lovely Monday morning, the weekend is over and time to kickoff that pending project or put the finishing touches, with that said it seems Paraswap is just about ready to distribute their retrospective airdrop.

Some few days back we talked about retrospective airdrop and the just concluded one from ENS and it seems another popular Defi based DApp is about to host theirs.

The announcement hasn't been made officially, but with pieces of information here and there, one should be able to sum up what is been planned.

You can read about the conversation Paraswap had with Defi airdrops on Twitter and how one can easily make a foot of the upcoming event here.


With that said, let's quickly take a look on how one can make a swap/exchange on Paraswap via TokenPocket.

Before we begin, this post is of no way announcing an upcoming airdrop from paraswap but simply a speculation from little hints that have been dropped this past few days.

Paraswap is a multichain DEX meaning it operates on more than one chain and to interact with it, you need a web3 based wallet capable of connecting one's account to it and this is where TokenPocket comes in.

TokenPocket is a noncustodial wallet that allows users to easily manage their crypto assets and also a DApp browser to access multiple DApps across different blockchains

TokenPocket is available on Android and IOS, users can download from their preferred store place.

Upon installation, create or import your preferred wallet

Paraswap is available on binance smart chain, ETH, and others.

Depending on your preference, simply create one and locate the discover menu on TokenPocket

Search on Paraswap and simply launch from the discover menu

Based on your internet speed, Paraswap menu should come up within seconds

Click on your preferred coin, the fee and every other necessary information will be shown to you, if all works exactly as you want then simply click on swap to make your exchange.

Do this for any coin you want to exchange for the other and like many other dexes, you don't need to provide any kyc document or signup before using Paraswap.

Until some other time, stay safe and if you have issues with any of the above, simply leave a comment behind.


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