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Multichain Miner NFT on TokenPocket


otemzi106.633 years agoHive.Blog2 min read


Hi guys and welcome to another beautiful Saturday morning and the weather feels sleepy, days you just wish you could turn yourself in and drink coco or anything that relaxes you not been bothered by the outside and yes this is possible with Crypto.

The space is moving at a geometrical space and it's gradually becoming next to impossible to fully stay aware of it all, back then we only had few DApps that one could monitor and also few chains but these days, the reverse is the case as we now have multiple DApps alongside different types of chains.

Amongst the update there is a particular feature which is gradually becoming a norm regards to the crypto space and its none other than NFT.

Yea you read it right, NFT short for none-fungible token and they basically represent limited edition of artworks, game profile, and what have you.

Some days back we saw a tweet from Heco chain about launching an NFT with TokenPocket and ever since then I have been double checking on their Twitter page not to miss the chance of claiming this limited NFT.

The event was launched some hours back and last I checked it was still active.

Basically there is an NFT available on hoo chain right now which only requires one to hold 1 hoo coin

To get this NFT simply download TokenPocket if you are yet to

Create or import a hoo chain wallet and hold a minimum of 1.1 hoo, the 0.1 will be used for gas fees but hoo chain is very cheap when it comes to transaction, meaning the 0.1 is just for fee settlement.

If you already have TokenPocket installed and ready to use, click on discover menu

Scroll down to the new section and click on the Miner nft DApp

Open the game and follow the onscreen instructions shown to you.

If all was done successful, then congrats on your new added NFT and with that I say you good day and enjoy your weekend.


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