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KeyPal wallet is live

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otemzi99.663 years agoHive.Blog3 min read


Hi guys and welcome to another beautiful Saturday morning, as usual the weather is not too sunny or too windy just about right, days you just want to stay out and run under the sun but again one have to ensure they have all necessary security set in place as regards to crypto holdings.

The mass adoption we all prayed and hoped for is gradually becoming a reality but this is also accompanied by some risk factor, getting popular is a milestone and ensuring users funds/assets are security safe at all time is another.

With the increase in interaction surrounding the crypto space, it seems an increase in scam activity is proportional

Records of scams, hacks are becoming a daily subject of discussion as regards to cryptocurrency but this shouldn't be the case, individuals shouldn't be afraid of hack, they should be able to sleep soundly without any issue the next day.

On today's discussion we are going to look into one of many ways you can ensure your asset is safe at all time.


Wallet basically can be defined into two, hot and cold wallet which can further be broken down into numerous types, software, hardware, and paper.

They all have their perks and can be said to be safe in their own ways, each designed to meet different users taste and none inferior to the other.

On today's discussion we are going to take a quick look into hardware wallet and also provide an example of one which launched of recent and already available on the market.

Hardware wallet like the name says, they come in a hardware device that does not require internet connection at all times except when a transaction is needed to be achieved

They come in a hard device that can be easily moved from one location to another without disclosing the content or value it holds

Like the name says, their covers are usually hard and can withstand several hits without destroying the internal build and an example of such is KeyPal wallet

Designed by the developers of TokenPocket wallet, KeyPal offers a strong, durable, and sleek design with top of the line security that allows users to store, receive, and send out crypto with ease

For those not familiar with TokenPocket, it is multichain wallet that allows users to store different types of assets and also gives direct access to DApps built across multiple chain directly from your mobile device.

Over the years, they have made several updates and tweaks to meet all users needs on their native wallet (TokenPocket), they saw the need to take it a little step higher and thus, keypal wallet was born.

KeyPal wallet is already available for purchase and users can easily order for one or more here https://keypalwallet.m.en.alibaba.com/


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