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Cointool on TokenPocket


otemzi99.833 years agoHive.Blog3 min read


Hi guys and welcome to another lovely day, with the ever growing technological advancement and adoption of cryptocurrency and blockchain, many have founds ways to exploit it to their need by using malacious smart contracts which when executed tends to hack and transfer users assets from their address to another.

Several tutorials have been made to identify such hacks but as more users join it seems a constant and new tutorial is needed to help this users safeguard their asset but what if one has already interacted with such platforms and have no idea they did it already?

Well, this is where cointool comes in.

Cointool is an easy to use DApp built across multiple chains that allows users to easily scan and search on records they had interacted their address with prior to now, from exchange to different types of tokens, cointool helps to break it all down and also shows you the trusted level of each interaction.

While some might be flagged as high risk which are not the case, cointool simply shows you their take on each and it is left for you to rebuke every authorization you might have given to such contracts prior to now and all this is done via a web3 wallet which TokenPocket comes in.

TokenPocket is a multichain wallet that allows users to easily manage their crypto assets and also a easy to use DApp browser that allows one to browse and interact with various types of DApps directly from their mobile device without ever needing to plug or connect your wallet to a PC or hardware wallet, this is all carried out directly from your mobile device from anywhere in the world with the only need of having Internet connectivity.

Cointool as we mentioned before now runs on multiple chains, user just need to import their preferred wallet to TokenPocket and search for cointool via the discover menu.

To do this?

From asset menu simply click on Discover

Search for cointool and click the requirement, if you intend to connect to a bsc chain then simply click on cointool bsc and if not, click on others.

Allow the page to fully load as this might take few seconds depending on your internet speed.

Search your address or simply connect to view all authorization you might have given to smart contracts prior to now

Scroll down and look for that which you do not recognise or simply rebuke all depending on your preference.

If all was successful then I say congrats for completing one of many steps to ensure your wallet is properly protected.

If you have issues or complaint regarding this DApp simply leave a comment or two behind and I will respond to you as soon as possible and until some other time, stay safe.


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