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Claim a free NFT on Farm Hero via TokenPocket


otemzi99.643 years agoHive.Blog2 min read


Hi guys and welcome to another lovely day, while this might not be all new but many or most probably forgotten all about this.

Few weeks back an announcement was made via the official account of Farm Hero on Twitter about a campaign that allowed users to claim free NFT if they interacted with TokenPocket, it allowed users to claim Farm Hero genesis NFT without paying any dime for it, the only fee was the incurred gas fee required to perform an onchain transaction.

Claiming is limited to users who browse or play the Farm Hero game on TokenPocket, and also limited to matic mainnet network.

The requirement basically is to create a matic mainnet account, have enough gas fee to perform transactions and most of all, claiming the free NFT is limited to Token Pocket users.

TokenPocket is a noncustodial wallet that allows users to store, send, and receive multiple types of cryptocurrencies, alongside their various tokens. While it serves as a crypto based wallet, it also houses a web3 function in which users can play and interact with various types of DApps on the go.

TokenPocket supports both Android and IOS based device, and users can easily download on their preferred device on playstore or appstore.

If you have TokenPocket pre-installed before now, simply click on matic blockchain wallet and create/import your wallet

Ensure you properly backup your keys and deposit a min of 1 matic which would be used to pay up fee

Click on the discover menu and search for Farm Hero

Launch the DApp and connect your wallet, ensure you click matic in other to successfully log in, clicking any other chain won't work

Click on claim free NFT and if it shows 0/4 claimed it simply means you are in luck and if not simply log off and connect some other

Each address can only claim once.


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