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Astro-Romantic👨‍🏫💥💖 / La Astronomia romantica🙇‍♂️🙇‍♀️


oscurity5.4 K2 years ago8 min read
Hello friends science addicts! today I made a special invitation to my wife, she had never attended a meteor shower and it seemed very romantic and different to witness the Delta Aquarids, apart from that we would go to see some interesting things in the sky such as learn a little about the constellation of the dolphin! astronomy goes beyond being a very boring activity! imagine you and your wife with a glass of wine watching the meteors pass in the sky?💥💖🙇‍♂️🙇‍♀️🧠

Hola amigos adictos a la ciencia! hoy le hice una invitacion especial a mi esposa, ella nunca habia asistido a una lluvia de estrellas y me parecio muy romantico y diferente precenciar las Delta Acuaridas, a parte de eso iriamos a ver algunas cosas interesantes en el cielo como por ejemplo aprender un poco sobre la constelacion del delfin! la astronomia va mas alla de ser una actividad muy aburrida! imagina tu y tu esposa con un copo de vino viendo los meteoros pasar en el cielo?🤩🔭🌌🪐


What are delta aquarids?🙇🌌🌍/ Que son las delta acuaridas🪐💥



To know the science of how this astronomical phenomenon works, consult my Starry Night Celestron program, it is my first experience photographing meteor showers so I had many doubts to clarify, first I had read in the press that this month was famous for a meteor shower called "Delta aquariums and the Perseids! The days with the highest incidence of meteors would be July 29 and 30, at first glance I know we were going to see several but these meteors only last 1 second in the sky so capturing an image is something more of experience than luck! Let's say that my intention was to spend a different day with my wife and if I photographed at least one meteor it was a more accomplished goal!🤩🔭🧠
Para conocer a ciencia como funciona este fenomeno astronomico consulte mi programa de Starry Night Celestron, es mi primera experiencia fotografiando lluvias de meteoros asi que tenia muchas dudas para aclarar, primeramente habia leido en la prensa que este mes era famoso por una lluvia de meteoros llamadas "Delta acuariadas y las Perseidas! los dias con mayor incidencia de meteoros serian el 29 y 30 de julio, a simple vista se que ibamos a ver varias pero estos meteoros solo tienen una duracion de 1 segundo en el cielo asi que capturar una imagen es algo mas de experiencia que de suerte! digamos que mi intencion era pasar un dia diferente con mi esposa y si fotografiaba al menos un meteoro era un objetivo mas cumplido! 💫🌠🌠




Basically the delta aquarids are nothing more than a meteor shower that are products of "Halley's comet" annually we can see these meteors, if you are in the southern hemisphere then you are more benefited since you see more meteors than in the northern hemisphere, what happened is that these meteors were released from "Halley many years ago" are so called because their activity occurs in the constellation "aquarius", according to scientists in the southern hemisphere "a frequency of one meteor per minute" is observed incredible no ? but sadly here it is not the same! However, I arrived with my wife at 12:00 and we left at 2:00 and we saw about 10, so we would leave here with an experience to tell our grandchildren!🔭🌠
Basicamente las delta acuaridas no son mas que una lluvia de meteoros que son productos del "cometa Halley" anualmente podemos ver estos meteoros, si estas en el hemisferio sur entonces eres mas beneficiado ya que ves mas meteoros que en el hemisferio norte, lo que sucedio es que estos meteoros se fueron desprendiendo del "Halley hace muchos años" son llamadas asi porque su actividad se produce en la constelacion de "acuario", segun los cientificos en el hemisferio sur se observa "una frecuencia de un meteoro por minuto" increible no? pero tristemente aqui no es igual! sin embargo llegue con mi esposa a las 12:00 y nos marchamos a las 2:00 y vimos unos 10 meteoros, asi que nos iriamos de aqui con una experiencia para contarla a nuestros nietos!🤩🧠


romantic meteor shower🙇🌌🌍/ Lluvia romantica de meteoros🪐💥



we had to improvise because we had a lot of equipment, I took my camera, my two telescopes, food, wine, chairs xD! but it had to be this way because it is almost impossible to see this astronomical phenomenon in the city, and to get the right place we used the following application:(https://www.lightpollutionmap.info) with it we could see the level of pollution within Portugal, so we traveled about 15km from my home to reach an area recommended for astrophotography!
tuvimos que improvisar porque llevabamos mucho equipamentos, lleve mi camara, mis dos telescopios, comida, vino, sillas xD! pero tenia que ser de esta forma porque es casi imposible ver este fenomeno astronomico en la ciudad, y para conseguir el lugar cierto utilizamos la siguiente aplicacion:(https://www.lightpollutionmap.info) con ella podiamos ver el nivel de contaminacion dentro de Portugal, asi que viajamos unos 15km desde mi hogar para llegar a un area recomendada para astrofotografia!


Lucky day🙇🌌🌍/ Dia de suerte🪐💥



And if I was very lucky I managed to photograph two delta aquarid meteors, one with my 8mm telescope and another with my camera and tripod, apart from being able to see many while we were drinking our wine I was also able to photograph a couple for you! We practically achieved our goal! Now I wanted to photograph the constellation of the dolphin😲😲
Y vaya que si tuve mucha suerte logre fotografiar dos meteoros de delta acuaridas, una con mi telescopio a 8mm y otra con mi camara y el tripode, aparte de poder ver muchas mientras tomabamos nuestro vino tambien pude fotografiar un par para ustedes! practicamente logramos cumplir nuestro objetivo! ahora queria fotografiar la constelacion del delfin🌠🌠💥🏆


dolphin constellation🙇🌌🌍/ Constelacion de delfin🪐💥



After living that beautiful romantic experience of the delta aquariums, I went to photograph the constellation of the dolphin, this constellation is remarkable in the northern hemisphere! so sorry for those who live in the south xD, it's very old it had already been described by "ptolemy" it's very easy to find in the sky and it looks like a jumping dolphin! its brightest star is (Sualocin) it has a fairly high magnitude of 3.8 and that makes it not very bright!🌠🧠  
Luego de vivir esa linda experiencia romantica de las delta acuaridas pase a fotografiar la constelacion de delfin, esta constelacion es destacable en el hemisferio norte! asi que lo siento por los que viven en el sur xD, es muy antigua ya se habia descrito por "ptolomeo" es muy facil de encontrar en el cielo y tiene el aspecto de un delfin saltarin! su estrella mas brillante es "(Sualocin)" tiene una magnitud de "3.8" bastante alta y eso lo hace poco brillante!🌌🪐




It was a very nice little experience, it is nice to share with your partner and live moments that mark you for life! probably in the future it will not be easy to appreciate these meteors more and better take advantage now that we have that opportunity! the planet grows uncontrollably and light pollution is increasingly present in our countries making these experiences impossible! Today I travel 15km to see a clear sky but in 30 years I will have to travel 50km!! sad but it's the harsh reality!😱😱
Fue una pequeña experiencia muy bonita, es agradable compartir con tu pareja y vivir momentos que te marcan para toda la vida! probablemente en el futuro no sera facil apreciar mas estos meteoros y mejor aprovechar ahora que tenemos esa oportunidad! el planeta crece de forma descontrolada y la contaminacion luminica esta cada vez mas presente en nuestros paises imposibilitando estas experiencias! hoy viaje 15km para ver el cielo limpio pero en 30 anos debere viajar 50km!! triste pero es la cruda realidad!💥😮😨


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Fuente bibliograficas / Sources:


Due to the scientific nature of the post, I had to consult references on the delta aquarids since I am very inexperienced on the subject! citations are marked with the symbol: "", a lot of information is my property! THE GIF IS NOT MY PROPERTY



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