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[Live] My first Vimm broadcast - composing on lmms for free


orlev537.522 years ago
(Unsupported https://www.vimm.tv/orlev310d6502c8514588/embed?autoplay=0)

Category: Music

Click here to watch the live stream!

Hey everyone.
So I had the idea to live stream some composition on lmms. I love the fact that it's free, and though it can be a bit confusing at first (like most DAWs), it is a very powerful tool.
So, If you want to learn about music prouduction, using lmms, composing and music theory, then join me, I'd love to hear from you what you would want to see too.
Let's gooo!!!!!!!

This post was generated from a live stream on Vimm.tv


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