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Steem as a therapy


organduo2.2 K5 years agoPartiko2 min read


I'm still sitting in my car waiting for @laputis to come back from the hospital and I want to use my time creatively while I sit. So here comes another post.

@tarazkp's comment inspired me to write this post because it seems that blogging on Steem feels like the best therapy to him and he wonders if it could work for addictions as well.

I think it could work provided the person who is an addict of some sort is doing this honestly and sharing their addiction experiences with the world.

For example, we all have people who are addicted to alcohol in our family circles. But more often than not such person denies their addiction by saying they can control it.

Sure, they can go to rehab, AA meetings or even Minessota program but the addiction still stays with that person.

So I can imagine such person who wants to heal so badly that the pain of admitting their addiction publicly feels much better than the pain of having to see their addiction worsen week after week and month after month.

And there are all kinds of addictions, of course. Not only alcohol, drugs, nicotine, gambling or porn. We all probably share some form of addiction too.

This is the only way that would work, I think. Such person would need to find supportive community here on Steem and share all their suffering, wins and loses on the way to recovery publicly. If no such community exists, one should start it.

What do you think?

The thing with addictions is that it never goes away. You just have to exchange it with the good kind of addiction. For example, addiction to creativity.

Posted using Partiko Android


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