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Build Relationships and Important Connections


oluwadrey2.1 Klast year5 min read

Hello Everyone and Welcome to My Blog ❤️😎


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This is another Amazing week, fill with a lot of new things being learnt and also getting Knowledge and experience.

This is week 8 of the Newbies Initiative ,We will be talking about "Building Hive connection".

This is a very Important Topic, Because it talks about creating and building strategic relationships and Connection on The Hive Blockchain. Nobody is an Island of Knowledge, We all need each other, not only that, we need to connect with people who can bring out the Best in us and also change our level. This doesn't just apply on Hive alone but in our Everyday lives.
There is a popular saying that "its not always about what you Know, but who you know". Who you know truly matters on How far you go in life. These words are true, because even with your experience and skills you still need to connect with people who will promote and help you, sometimes even to Get Jobs or to Have some business contracts you need to know someone.
As usual, our Weekly hangout was held last week Sunday 3rd of December, and Our host speaker was @depressedfuckup, also we have @starstrings01, @nkemakonam89 and @vickoly, They are talked extensively on the importance of building connections and Relationship with People on hive, especially some influencial figures on the Blockchain.

Here is the task for this week (Week 8)

Discuss some ways you can build strong connections on Hive, giving practical examples from your experience accompanied with screenshots.

There are actually many ways of building relationships or Connection on the Hive Blockchain. One of the Most practical way of Building connect on Hive is to :
  • Quality Engagement
Join a Community and Make Quality Posts, Be consistent with it and then Engage with other by Giving Quality Comments and Reblogs. Through this you get to earn followers and also Get noticed by people.


  • Bring Value to the Blockchain
Do something that will bring value to the Hive Blockchain, you can start a project, or An Activity any thing that brings positive changes to the Blockchain will get you some good connections, Big guys on the Blockchain will notice you, and they will start supporting you, taking the Hive Ghana Borehole project as a Case study. With the ideas initiated by @mcsamm and @collinz, made a very positive impact on the Hive Blockchain and of course to People in Ghana that are beneficiaries of the Generous work. The Newbies initiative too is another perfect example, it has impacted so much to my growth on Hive and Also Hundreds of people on Hive. Mr Starstrings Definitely is very much appreciated for bringing such Valuable Project to the Blockchain.
  • Have a fanbase and Join a curation trail
I recently joined the Hive.vote trend, and i started adding some of my favourite authors to my fan base list, so far so good i added up to 10 people and am still on it. I have some people that already added me too.


Make at least four meaningful and detailed comments on people's post, and created a conversation out of the post.

Here are my Comments on people post, most time i pick some phrase or sentences that really interest me, and comment on it. Sometimes I just have casual talk with the Authors.





What is the difference between this type of detailed engagement and short comments like “nice post”?

The Difference between short comments and Detailed Comments is that Short comments lacks in-depth Response and feedback details of the post. A Detailed Reply or Comments will talk about the posts ideas or Topic.

Short comments like: Nice Comments, Thanks for Sharing, all looks generic and the Author might not take into consideration such response.

Detailed Response should include elaboration on the authors post, or a sentence or phrase in the post. Meaningful Comments help give a sense of Satisfaction to the Author and also the author will have a form of connection with you.

what is something new that you will start doing now to connect with people and make friends on hive?

Just like i have started doing, i am currently using the Inleo platform more often now.
I also planned to always make detailed and meaningful response to every post that i can comment on, if not, i will just Like or Reblog.
I am also working on adding more people to my fanbase on the Hive.vote platform. I made a list of people i want to engage with through comments and the likes.
I set some people as my favourite Authors on Ecency, so as to keep in touch with their posts.

Thank you all for your time reading ❤️



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