Come and go, like the Oceans
Wave, sometimes scaring me
And other times putting me at
Ease. A person is the output
Of their thought they say, I can't
Say that for me, for I seem not to
Know where my thoughts, put me.
Thoughts make or mar a person,
Sometimes it wants to make you
Go crazy, while at times it makes
Me feel on top of the world.
Beware of the thoughts you heave
Up inside you.
Crazy are the Days when my thoughts
Come after me, keeping sanity far away
From me, thoughts waging against
Thoughts, Using my mind as the
Happiness is kept at bay on day's
Like this, making me feel like
Drowning off in the sea, criticizing
And overthinking myself out,
My thoughts tearing me apart.
With my sanity all caged up,
All I can do is to resolve, with
The last, every not to be
Defeated by my thoughts. The
Battle, continues between
My thoughts and myself.