Happy Easter to those celebrating in the East … ☀️
Happy Easter to those celebrating in the east ….
But when it was evening of the first day of the week and the doors were barred where the disciples were staying, because of fear for the Judeans, Yeshua came and stood in their midst and he said to them, “Peace be with you.” 20He said this and he showed them his hands and his side and the disciples rejoiced because they saw Our Lord. 21But Yeshua said to them again, “Peace be with you. Just as my Father has sent me, I also am sending you.” 22When he had said these things, he breathed upon them and he said to them, “Receive The Spirit of Holiness. - John 20:23
Our Father prayer in Aramaic. Aramaic is the language spoken by Jesus. We are fortunate to have the Lord's Prayer not only in the original language but also Sung so beautifully in the original language. Listen and be blessed by this most powerful prayer of Jesus.
He is Risen.
Abun di bashmayya nethqadash shmak.
Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name.
Tethey malkuthak.
Your kingdom come.
Newe tzevyanak aykan di bashmayya af ba’ara.
Your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Lakhman di sunkanan yamana hav lan yoma dheyn.
Give us (this day) our daily bread.
Wa-shbuk lan khavine aykana, d’af hanan shbukan l’khayvine.
And forgive us our trespasses/ debts, as we forgive our debtors.
Ulo ellan lanisyana l’heyn atzeyl lan min beesha.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us /protect us from the evil one.
Source: https://hallow.com/blog/how-to-pray-our-father-in-aramaic/