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Off the block while searching for engine parts.


novacadian180.733 months agoHive.Blog4 min read

A few items took place after last night's posting. After chatting with my Daughter and Son-In-Common-Law we decided to except our corporate neighbor's offer on our property. Emailed the local property manager for the corporation saying his offer was excepted assuming the 2 year $1 lease offer is still part of the agreement. Received an auto-reply that he would be out of the office until July 8th; hopefully enjoying another week of summer vacation.
There was also both a voice and email message from Hans who was getting ready to send out the text books to the students of the upcoming Radio course which starts July 17th. Looks like he had been emailed in just the nick of time. He will send it care of the Marina; which is a nice service that they offer their customers. So it looks like the course is fully taken care of now.

Had a somewhat of an early night and made it past sunrise. Up and at it for a shower and to tidy up Jose's work area. No time to make breakfast before he and Jr. arrived. Left them reworking the platform plate for the engine. There is probably a better name, but the plate where it attaches to the hull. The previous start on the installation seems to have overlooked that a 7% angle was needed so as to match up the engine with the propeller shaft.

My job was to organize some parts that would be required after the foundational stage was complete. The bus going up the bluffs did not start running until 10:20am, so had a good hour wait. Found a nice spot in the shade with sweet white clover to lay down upon and focused on the breath while those 5 drop of MOD started kickin' in.

Jose saw the oversight of the previous mechanic and called me after finally getting a bus taking me to Kennedy station. He wanted to track down a good welder who lives at the marina yet did not have his number on his phone. He gave me the number of someone who may know. The fellow was very pleasant getting such a call from a stranger but said that he had no contact either.

No sooner off that call than Jose called back to say he had bumped into Wil the Welder when walking across the yard. Wil and me had a chat and he told me how much the job would cost and the piece of steel that would be required. Once agreed to his proposal Wil then called in the order for me and Jose came and picked me up at the Tim Horton's who has just spun me out one of their tasty sausage on a bun breakfast meal and a perked coffee. Yum.

Jose soon came by to pick me up and then we went to pick up the piece of steel and delivered it back to the boat. Wil was still around so he and Jose worked out plans for what was needed and Wil said that he would have it ready for next Monday. Jose agreed to come back on that day to finish the install.

Not sure if it had been mentioned earlier but Chris, the former owner, had graciously offered to run me around part hunting on Friday; so the schedules jelled up nicely.

Went back to the bank to withdraw some more cash in preparation of paying Wil when it was noticed that my bank card was missing. Headed home to look for it on the boat, yet it did not show up; so back to the bank and got a new one. A really nice fellow helped me with it. The same fellow who helped me the other day and was interested to hear that ETH had paid for Makina.

Thought to indulge myself after what had been a long day and took a taxi back to the Marina.

The rest of the afternoon was spent doing domestic duties (laundry) and a much welcomed nap. Woke up at about 10PM. Just under the wire to get this, today's post, delivered on time.

May the wind be at your back!

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