
Grow update 4.2 Ft: the craziest pre-roll machine I’ve ever seen at canna-con


notlemsvision42.613 years agoPeakD3 min read


You know I have to start every post off with some bud 😁


Guys……. Are you seeing this?? That is legit a pre-roll machine 🤯 this thing completely blew my mind! it does it all from start to finish and will just sit here and make pre-rolls all day, it even closes the end of them for you!

Ok ok ok, back to the flower! So through my work this week I was able to attend canna-con In Oklahoma City and there was a lot of super neat brand out there! I definitely geeked out just a tiny bit with that machine above though so I haaaaaad to share it with you guys! 😁

Last week we talked about transplanting the silvertips, the Kalifa, and the widow clones to 1 gal pots. So this week im going to give you a little update on how those are going and a couple odd and in things I like to use during this phase of life.


Everything is looking happy and healthy so far! Out of all the clone boxes we ended up with roughly a 93% success rate this go around after everything was transplanted 🎉

 When going from clones to there first pots there are three big things I like to pay attention to/add to:

  1. Air Shock
  2. Silica
  3. TerraGrow

Air shock- this is something that took me a second to figure out. I would have all these beautiful clones with nice long roots but after I transplanted them they would start falling off like flys! Oh man I was getting so mad o for the life of me I couldn’t figure out why that was happening. So what do you start doing? Tweaking stuff and taking notes it’s the best way to learn!
After filling out several of these pages:


I started noticing differences in my outcomes depending on how long I left the clones in each stage and how much air I was allowing them to have. You want to slowly introduce them into breathing full strength!



Silica is going to help with plant stress and toughen the cell walls. It helps the plants be a little more resistant and helps there stocks grow nice and strong.

  • TerraGrow

I do love me some terra grow as well (except the smell) 🤣

TerraGrow is a soil inoculant comprised of a powdered blend of beneficial bacterial and fungal spores. This formula reestablishes beneficial organisms in and around the root zone to stimulate root development,reduces transplant shock,and
allows the plant increased access to seek out and absorb more macro/micro nutrients.

As you can see the beginning of there life a lot of the additives are to help them overcome stress and become healthy. I mean think about it a couple weeks ago all of these plants were just little branches on another plant 🤯 they have definitely went through some changes!

Everyone does it different, growing is a art! Let me know what tips and tricks you guys have for the beginning stages of your plants!? And what strains you guys are growing at the moment!

Once again thanks for taking time out of your day to read my little updates 🙏 hope you guys have a great day! 😁


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