Free Time (2024)- Official Trailer
"Free Time" is a 2024 comedy film directed by Ryan Martin Brown in his debut feature. The storyline centers on Drew, a man on the cusp of thirty, navigating his relative youth. Seeking a drastic change, Drew quits his comfortable desk job to fully embrace life. However, as he dives into various friendships, hobbies, and aspirations, he realizes he's adrift without a clear direction for his newfound freedom. Led by Colin Burgess and featuring a talented ensemble cast of New York City's funniest performers, this uproarious comedy was shot on location amidst America's "Great Resignation." It delves into the quest for purpose and fulfillment in the contemporary world.
#freetime, #comedyfilm, #ryanmartinbrown, #debutfeature, #drew, #relativeyouth, #drasticchange, #deskjob, #embracelife, #friendships, #hobbies, #aspirations, #clear direction, #newfoundfreedom, #colinburgess, #ensemblecast, #newyorkcity, #funniestperformers, #greatresignation, #questforpurpose
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