
The prices of the covid vaccines were revealed !!!


nikosnitza270.774 years ago2 min read




 The European Commission managed to keep secret the amount paid for the vaccines until now, however they were revealed by mistake from the Belgian Deputy Minister of Budget !!!



 The European Commission agreed with six vaccine producers on prices !! Prices per dose are



 Oxford / AstraZeneca: 1.78 euros

 Johnson & Johnson, 6.94 euros

 Sanofi / GSK: 7.56 euros

 BioNTech / Pfizer: 12 euros

 CureVac: 10 euros

 Moderna: 14.69 euros



 But why did they want to keep secret how much vaccines cost?


According to representatives of the European Commission, it was in the interest of society in general, but also in the interest of the ongoing negotiations.

But is that the main reason or something else? If you look at the prices, there is a huge difference, especially for the 4 main producers. Pfizer & Moderna vaccines have a huge price difference than AstraZeneca’s and Sanofi vaccines… These raise some serious questions as to why that difference exists. Is It because these vaccines are better, use better ingredients, their people are more capable, their bargain was more successful???
All these questions will rise and the EU and the companies with eventually have to give convincing answers in order not to jeopardize the global vaccination process.





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