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niglys459.342 years ago5 min read

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I remember the good old days, back then in primary four when my class teacher told the pupils to write a brief essay on who we choose as our role model and why we choose to be like them.. Then as a young lad, I never even knew what the whole role model thing meant, I made my choice based on fantasies. I wanted to be like Nicki Minaj all because of her nice shape or let's say her sexy body.. I admired her a lot and wanted to have her kind of body but wasn't even taking into consideration whether she has the qualities that I would need in a role model.. I still admire her anyway ☺️
I used to have a long list of my favorite celebrity musicians that I considered as role models but along the line, my choice changed cus I now fully understand who a role model is and the qualities I should see before I can say someone is my role model.


Personally, I see a role model as someone whose life history or way of life motivates and inspires me to become the best I can be for myself and everyone around me.. I have seen all of this in my role model. Yes! I have a role model that I'm very sure about now and this time it's not based on fantasies just like I used to when I was a kid neither is my role model a world celebrity like how I wanted it before. But I see him as my own celebrity anyways😅

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My role model is Professor Luke. (I'm sorry, I can't use his pictures without his permission)🙂
He happens to be one of the few affluent but yet humble men I've met.. I met him when I came for my National Youth Service in the Western part of Nigeria. I used to have the impression that every wealthy person is arrogant and proud based on the few encounters I've had with a few of them but this changed when I met this man. His humble nature is something that everyone should emulate both poor and rich.. You know, I had this thought about him some time ago.. if he is this humble with the whole wealth and fame that he has, what was his humility level like when he had nothing.. You know what they say about a poor man being so humble until he touches money and his humble nature vanishes?

It is not so with my role model.. He is so down to earth and doesn't downgrade people. He takes people just the way they are and loves to carry everyone along because he has this belief that something good can come out of anyone no matter how impossible it might look.
Not only is he humble, he as well taught his family on the need to be humble and to treat everyone equally and with respect.. This is a top quality for me and I would love to be so humble and kind to everyone I come in contact with no matter how wealthy or famous I become tomorrow.


I also want to be like him when it comes to academics.. He has worked so hard with determination in the academic sector before he got to where he is now.
I once read a book he wrote which was all about how he fought so hard to get where he is now. He went through a lot and normally he would have given up but he didn't and today he is enjoying the fruits of his labour.. I was fully motivated after reading this book, it inspired me to keep striving hard inorder to achieve my goals. I would love to attach that title "Professor" just like it's been attached to my role model's name someday ☺️


Again, he loves God.. One would think that he'll not find the things of God interesting especially for the fact that "He has made it" Just like some wealthy people who forget God when they finally make it in life. It could have also been that his busy schedules can make him not to be dedicated to serving God yet he finds time always to acknowledge God and be in his presence..
I have learnt this from him and this saying sits perfectly well with what I learnt from this good attitude of his " We are nothing but pencils in the hand of the creator"

Professor Luke has a good number of qualities that I desire to see in my role model but the few I mentioned above are the ones that got me and I look up to him to learn more things that will be useful for me in my life journey.. I hope to be like him just soon enough🥰


This is my entry to the week30edition03 of the hivelearners contest titled Role model



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