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A Neighbor's Concern and My Morning Cleanup - July 22, 2024


ngobaby177.022 months ago2 min read
  I was on my way to the bus stop to board a tricycle to school this morning when a lady stranger called my attention. My first thought was to ignore her since I was running late and didn't know her, but her persistence made me listen to what she had to say.

After exchanging pleasantries and introducing herself, I discovered that she's my neighbor, though not a close one as she lives two streets away from me. That’s not even why she called me. She wanted to know why I haven't been regular in my cleaning activities. I was taken aback—this is someone I barely knew coming to find out why I haven't been doing my activities regularly. At the same time, I was happy because it proved that people notice the effort I make to improve the community.

I told her I got into school and have a very tight schedule but will always do so once I get the opportunity. She talked about how worried she was since she hasn't seen me cleaning in the past few weeks. I assured her I was alright, just that school has a chokehold on me. Before we parted ways, I encouraged her to do some cleaning whenever she can and to dispose of the waste properly. She promised to do so one day. I couldn't take a picture with her as I was in a hurry to get going.

The conversation I had with her reminded me that I had done some cleaning in the morning and taken some pictures but hadn't shared them with friends yet. Yes, I actually did some cleaning in the morning before heading out. Below are some pictures.















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