
Eyes: The Horror Game And My Immersive Experience


nbats17.6326 days agoPeakD5 min read

Hello, my lovely community. Today I am going to write about a first-person survival horror game named “Eyes: The Horror Game”. It is a really scary experience in the horror gaming. When you play this game, it will put you into a scary world. I loved the game’s unique sound, storytelling, and immersiveness.


I remember the first time when I played this game a few months ago. Back in December 2023. It was an evening, and it was raining the whole day from the day before. So, the weather was perfect for a horror gaming session. I was searching the play store for what I can find. Then my game of choice was this game. I wish I knew, this decision I will remember for many nights. My experience in its haunted house will be unforgettable.


The game began really simple. With the objective as simple as “collect valuables and escape.” But soon i find out the simple task became a very scary experience. My first encounter with ghost Krasue was accidental. I was exploring what seemed like a kitchen of some kind. As long as I got past the door it was long empty corridor. A small folded ladder with some crates was lying at the end of the corridor. That was the moment I saw it. Oh God, I wish I could unsee this thing. I saw something which no one couldve ever imagined.


At the end of the corridor, a bloody and ugly-looking floating head with its internal organ attached to it was coming right towards me!! After watching this horrible scene my soul left my body for a few moments. I froze like a stone. I could not understand what I should do in this type of situation. It was still at some distance when I recovered from my frozen state and went right to the kitchen from where I came. I hid in a corner hoping the head will pass. The head passed the door as if it was completely blind and did not see me.

I did not care about any money anymore and was only praying to God to help get me out of this life threatning situation. I opened the map in the dark looking for the exit. It was somewhere in the ground floor what it seemed like. After a couple minutes I gathered courage and went to take peek outside the door. It was that moment when I became sure that no ”floating heads“ were running the corridors. Then I decided to exit the kitchen. I walked through the corridor and when I turned left at the end of it I saw was a staircase. As the plan I cautiously went to take the stairway to the ground floor as the plan. When I was just crossed the last step, I saw something quickly gliterred in the dark corner.


I went another step to get a closer look, and there it was standing and waiting quietly in the dark as it was waiting for its prey to come down for the exit. And the shining thing was nothing other than its sharp teeth!! I let out a loud scream and took the stairs to the upper floor again. And the disgusting head followed me, following me to the upper floor, I went running to the 2nd floor.


It was a mixing of two corridors going opposite ways, I can still hear the angry sound the head made behind coming for me. My head was not working the right way and without any thinking I took the corridor to the left. When I was running I saw a room. I quickly entered inside and closed the door. I was trying to find the switch in the dark. I felt it on the wall and turned it on. the light turned on with a flickering. I saw it was a small old bathroom. The mirrors were broken and bathtub is also broken in pieces. An old dirty duck was still inside the tub.


When I was sure that the ghost wasn't following me anymore, I opened the hand-drawn map again to take a close look under the light. I became surprised to discove there was an alternative exit on this floor. there was a secret portal kind of thing in a part of this floor. I didnot waste any time and just ran for it. I saw the portal with green lights. Then I passed inside it. I discovered myself in a place which is very close to the exit. I ran to the exit and successfully finished the game.

It was an other-worldly experience playing this game. I will rate this game 10/10. I think this is the most scariest horror game in android. I will keep playing to see if I can find any game better than this. Thank you for reading my post.


photo taken on xiaomi

Hеy, I'm Niloy also u can call me nbats. I'm from Bangladеsh. I lovе rеading books whеnеvеr I gеt thе chancе. I’m a bookworm and a travеlеr, I likе to еxploring nеw placеs and culturеs. I also еnjoy travеling to nеw placеs and lеarning about diffеrеnt culturеs. I think еvеryonе has a uniquе story to sharе, and it's important to takе thе timе to listеn and lеarn from еach othеr.







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